WTB Commercial Ice Machine


Well-known member
May 3, 2021
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Looking for a Commercial Ice Machine.  Anyone selling?

I know someone who has one  :classic_ninja:  pretty sure he's not willing to part with it :lol:

we found a few on Craigslist about a decade ago.  we were going to buy it for the drag car I was crewing on.  in the end, we chose just to buy ice when we got to where we were racing. 

I can’t help on the ice machine. But I am a little curious how big are your parties?

I can’t help on the ice machine. But I am a little curious how big are your parties?
Well, it gets hot here in Havasu... :lol:

Pool parties, boating, summertime...  Gotta have ice.  I don't want to have to run to the store and the freezer can only hold so much.

I don't see the payoff unless you use a LOT of ice.. the power to run them has to eat up any savings...unless you use a LOT of ice... 

buy a chest freezer and fill it up....  well then you are halfway there...  all i know is the good ones I've seen are 1500-2000.  You can buy a lot of ice for that. 

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My neighbor has one and I have a key to the garage.  I fill up a small trash can and place in my freezer.  When I need ice for the boat, it is right there............................good to have great neighbors.

Also going to the store everyday and buying ice for coolers gets old

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Th old company had one like that. It produced enough ice for us to use for drinking water during the summer. I even used it a few times when going to the dunes.  Here is the thing though.  The ice sucked, not all ice is created equal.  The ice wouldn't last one day. By the time I got to the dunes I would need more ice.

Also the last time that ice maker broke down we had the guy come out to fix it and when he opened it up and I saw the trays that made the ice. That was the last time I used that ice for anything. Guess you are supposed to clean them pretty regularly or they become disgusting, you get to turn them off to do that so you loose a lot of ice when you do that.  

In closing, Buy a big chest freezer and buy ice. Freeze water bottles for the cooler on the boat

