Wrap up - Thank you to all of the volunteers that made the 20th Annual happen


Forum Moderator
May 1, 2021
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I'm barely working through recovery from a 10 day trip with entirely too much equipment but before we get too far gone I need to shout out to the volunteers that made this event happen. THANK YOU! :hug:

We had some that helped a lot and some that helped a little. All of it mattered and with your help we were able to pull it off. 

We were broadcasting on BFGRELY as well as FB and YouTube. I know that there was a starlink drop and working on fixing the video that is uploaded to get the full content up.

As with every year, we tried some new things and will figure out what worked and what didn't and make next year's event better.

I can't tell you the amount of Veterans and attendees that sought me out to say thank you for this event. That is 100% due to the efforts of our volunteers. I saw the look in the eyes of many of the veterans that I shook hands with... what we are doing is important and very much appreciated. Thank you for rising to the occasion and pulling off another great event.

...now on to the next event  :cheers:
