"Worth" movie on Netflix

Lord of the Dunes

Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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Since it's the 20th anniversary of 9/11, several new movies have come out about 9/11. That's good, because we should never forget. I never will. My initial reaction on 9/11 was to vaporize the entire region and let God sort it out. But the last time I was tin the Persian Gulf, a very generous Muslim family did a lot of research on our Thanksgiving customs and tried to replicate the entire feast with a roasted goose and everything else similar they could find at their local grocery store. Then they invited about a dozen of us into their home. We were total strangers in their country and they went above and beyond to make us feel very welcome on a holiday they don't even observe. I can't tell you how polite their children are (I brought out an RC car near the pier and all of the children formed a straight line to play with it, without any instructions from me), how much they respect their elders, how friendly and helpful they are. I just wish there was an easy way to separate the peaceful ones from the terrorists. I know some people feel that as Americans we should always take the high road and not stoop to our opponent's level, but if we had fought the Revolutionary War by prescribed methods, we would have lost. The British stood in straight lines, we fought using guerrilla tactics and we won. Like Vietnam did, like Afghanistan did. They kicked out the Russians with our help, we've left and now the Chinese are there. For some reason, they're welcoming the Chinese.

I think if you want to win, whether it's a street fight or a war, you need to get down to their level and punch faster, kick harder and throw some pig's blood around, behead some people publicly, execute some enemies in the town square. That's what they understand, that's the message we need to send.

Actually, we needed to design large scale drone fighters and bombers. Take out the cockpit and all life support and ejection systems and let these things fly better, faster, do more Gs, unhampered by human limitations. 

Anyway, this Worth movie was about the airlines who didn't want to get sued out of existence, so they called their buddies, the politicians and had them set up a special fund to pay all of the victims at taxpayer expense. The law firm who calculated the worth of each person who died on 9/11 had a formula based on income, with upper and lower limits. Of course all of the rich CEO's survivors hired a law firm to demand tens of millions for each family because "their mortgages and lifestyles were more expensive." In the end, they got 97% of the families to agree to the settlement with nothing going to the attorneys, the law firm worked for free. It cost us taxpayers $7 Billion.

Now I'm not saying they didn't deserve it. In my mind, the lower income folks should have gotten more since they typically had more kids and no trust funds to help them out. However, I object to taxpayer money getting spent to pay for the actions of terrorists. I think the Bin Laden family funded Osama and knew what he was planning on doing. Their net worth is coincidentally $7 B. I think all of their assets should have been frozen, their properties liquidated and used for restitution. I've also heard something about members of the Saudi royal family funding terrorist activities. Whoever funded this and other terrorist attacks should have all of their assets seized and used for restitution.

That's how we stop terrorism. We cut it off at the bank account. None of them would be fighting if they weren't getting paid, fed and armed. Cut off their big money supply by making an example of any family that has supported terrorism and watch how fast it dries up. No more money = they go back to herding and wooing their goats.

Let's see them wage war from bake sale proceeds and goat pr0n.

Watched it Thursday evening, I recommend it also. Last night watched Kodachrome. Not a bad flick for us older folk who even remember Kodachrome…

Watched it Thursday evening, I recommend it also. Last night watched Kodachrome. Not a bad flick for us older folk who even remember Kodachrome…
I'll have to check it out!

Just got done watching "Chair" which stars Sandra Oh as the chairwoman of some third rate liberal small town college that's overrun by whining protestor "students." I usually don't like Sandra Oh, but she's pretty funny only because the writing is good and she gets totally worked over by the protestors, her faculty, the dean and especially her 8 yr old daughter, who scared off the new babysitter in less than 5 minutes.    :lol:
