

New member
May 23, 2022
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Everyone has been awesome with helping me educate myself to the sand car world.  I've been stalking the usual for sale platforms, but thus far nothing has tickled my fancy, or is way out of the amount I'm willing to spend.  In any event, questions continue to swirl in my head as I continue to look for a car.  I tried searching this windshield subject, but not much info on the site regarding windshields.  What is the consensus?  I figure it will be hotter inside with one, but also quieter, maybe?  On cold mornings/evenings it's probably nice to have too.  But then I think, how the hell can you stand looking out a constantly dirty/dusty windshield.  I have also read that it can potentially cause issues with cooling dependent on where the radiator is mounted.  Seems the cars I have seen for sale are about 50/50 whether they have a windshield or not, so does this mean a windshield is a love it or hate it proposition?  Other considerations?

Imo, those are all the right questions.  I don't have one on my car and really the only reason I would consider it would be if i could dune without goggles or a head sock.  None of the folks in my group have a windshield so I don't know if it's possible or not.....  I do know our leader only wears sunglasses. 

I have a windshield and wear sunglasses 99% of the time. If there is a wind storm I will throw the goggles on. It is warmer in the car but you gotta give a little to get allot. When I purchased the car it had never been to Glamis with the windshield and the fan was not enough to keep it cool. After my first trip, I upgraded the fan size and its been fine ever since. After riding in my car, many people from my group have added windshields too.

im adding a windshield to my desert dynamics currently. i like the look, and these days i no longer care for the blast of sand from 60-100mph sand hitting me.

Love mine.  Duned 4 years without and did the typical headsock, hat, goggles. With windshield I wear a FORWARD hat and sunglasses without issue. Fast rides i may goggle. My lil subi got a touch warm but I was duning pretty good in Dumont late April and it was high 90's. Car still was only touching 200 degrees at the hottest but without windshield I typically ran 180 on "hard" runs.  The dust/dirt is easy just use rain-x and wipe the damn thing clean lol. Rain is a disaster tho.... no wipers.

I took mine off - I prefer to wear nice goggles, like the wind in my face, and that couple of inches of vision that you lose with a windshields border bugged me...feels like you're looking out a port window on a boat - .   I also think the cars look better without them.

But - that said, looking cool with a hat and sunglasses on is something I wouldn't mind...once in a while at least...but, i like to ride hard as to the people with me - you're going to get sand in your eyes from the side.  

P.S - Some people in our group get car sick with cars that have windows in them vs the ones that do not

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Love having a windshield, wouldn't go without it.

only downside is car will run hotter.... mostly noticeable on a long run such as a ride to duners diner 

Always wear a helmet with a full face shield, in my sand cars. So no need for a windshield. Safety first!

Besides I’ve always liked the feel of the wind. 

Everyone has been awesome with helping me educate myself to the sand car world.  I've been stalking the usual for sale platforms, but thus far nothing has tickled my fancy, or is way out of the amount I'm willing to spend.  In any event, questions continue to swirl in my head as I continue to look for a car.  I tried searching this windshield subject, but not much info on the site regarding windshields.  What is the consensus?  I figure it will be hotter inside with one, but also quieter, maybe?  On cold mornings/evenings it's probably nice to have too.  But then I think, how the hell can you stand looking out a constantly dirty/dusty windshield.  I have also read that it can potentially cause issues with cooling dependent on where the radiator is mounted.  Seems the cars I have seen for sale are about 50/50 whether they have a windshield or not, so does this mean a windshield is a love it or hate it proposition?  Other considerations?
Windshields are great. We run quick and tight so lots of sand in your face.  I tried every goggle out there and constantly had sand in my eyes. Windshields are hotter for sure so I added some bilge blowers under the dash blowing on myself and passenger. Helps keep you cooler. Would never go without a windshield after having one.
