Windshield or not


Active member
May 5, 2021
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So I’ve owned several sand cars over the years I get one with a windshield then I want one without.Don’t mind a helmet at all what’s other peoples opinions



Had them with windshield and without. Like the comfort with a windshield but like the visibility without one. 

Tried one in my FUNCO G52, lasted ten minutes. 
I was hot, car got hot, went back to camp and removed it. 
I do wear a full face with air, love it. 
You only get one brain in life, protect it.

No real "off-road" experience but we have a bunch of Polaris Rangers at work and the windshields are an absolute shetshow.   Hot as hell in heat, no visibility in rain or fog and direct sun the glare in insane.  Only our senior folks like them for cold weather.

IMO windshields are nice but if I have one I might as well just drive my truck and turn on the AC

I hate the idea of trapped heat, fumes coming back in  (seen too many people get drowsy)  and I hate they get blasted 

and every trip are less clear  - google lends are cheap to change ...

"I don't wear a skirt, and don't need a windshield"  - basically what the guys in my crew say ;-)

This “senior folk” prefers a full face helmet over a windshield in his sand rail.  

Half the time you guys booze Crooze LOL,  so I dont know if it matters,  but i know at comp at night I freeze, and when i look over at Tim and @itsweeks they look pretty warm,  

Lot of Rocks at Dumont, I think everyone we know has a chip in the Windshield, I try to stay off it when we hit the flats, but when i had a helmet,  the music was easier to hear, and you never got sand on you,  Just felt a little tunnel vision when leading, 

We can try it on Halloween and see what you think,  you guys changed a clutch out there, so i think the Windshield should be easy,   

Open car, heated seats, full helmet for them colder runs.  Should just wear that bean basket all the time but I just love that wind in my face. 


No windshield for me for two reasons - my car looks better without it and two - I like the wind in my face.

Enjoy both. Wearing a helmet now so guess I no longer need one. With no helmet the windshield is real nice 😎 sunglasses and headset for the sunset rides 

This is my first wind shield car, and I've only had it out on one ride so I can't really say either way just yet. The thing I do like about the way it was setup is that I can remove it with 5 fasteners and run it without if needed, or desired. 

I pulled my windsheild in my rail. Cooler temps are a benefit, but also you can get a sense of your speed with the wind coming in.

