Winch in toyhauler


Active member
Nov 3, 2021
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I have a 4 seater V8 and needing a winch to pull it backwards into the toyhauler. 

Will a 2500 or 3500lb winch suffice? A 12,000lb definitely seems overkill.

Picture of car for reference


I used the SuperATV 3500 lb Winch Kit in my 5th Wheel for years and works great. Wireless Remote, Synthetic robe. $241 on Amazon. 

Pulled in my SCU Big Bro and my Suspensions Unlimited Sand Pro II no problems. 


As everyone has said a 3500 is Good a 5000 is nice if you use a Synthetic rope  which I would always do. I was told the drum stays cooler  so its easier on the rope  (less stretch) and remote is nice it you are doing by yourself and having to "touch up" by the steering wheel to fit tight - but remember to pop the batteries out after use - the cheap remotes have a little draw and likely cause the batteries to leak faster  and ruin the remote 

it is off the path of a mounted winch, 

But i had a warn 110v i still use in the shop, and now use this, as a spare,  works good for me and use it on multiple trailers,  has full wireless and wired remote syn rope, rated at 1000 vertical, this is about 2500-3000 static pull 


I  have a 5000lb badlands with synthetic rope  from Harbor Freight. I bought the wireless remote  for it and it works great!!!!!


I have a 4 seater V8 and needing a winch to pull it backwards into the toyhauler. 

Will a 2500 or 3500lb winch suffice? A 12,000lb definitely seems overkill.

Picture of car for reference

View attachment 80759
Yes, you should be fine as long as your angle is ok and you're not sucking down into the ramp. I have a 5K in one trailer and a 2K handheld for another. Both works fine but slow. 

Harbor freight lately seems to be the win for these. 

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If your chit is all busted up, a snatch block might give you enough pulling power (doubles power, halves the speed). Cable goes to the snatch block on the buggy, then back to the trailer or winch plate. Keep the lines as straight as possible as any angle will reduce power.

Get some soft shackles to reduce paint/powder removal:

Synthetic line will be less dangerous and easier on the trailer should it rub. 

As others have said, use rope instead of the steel cable.

I put two 4X4s under the tailgate (MUST BE DIRECTLY UNDER THE BUGGY TIRES) to lessen the angle of the ramp because my rig had flipped axels.
