Why are so many people little b*tches these day???


Well-known member
May 3, 2021
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I was chatting with a fellow OG here the other day and the topic came up...Why are so many people little b*tches these days?

I've been on here 20 years and seen the evolution of GD.com, the dunes, social media, the world.  As we got old..."WE" became the new..."Those damn kids..." crowd.  Yet...some have turned into and some turning into...little b*tches and being the very thing they point fingers at and criticize.  And yeah...even some of you OGs on here.

Has social media grabbed ahold of some of you too tightly?  Can't take a joke anymore?  Can't just have a conversation or be happy for others without being a little b*tch and raining on others happiness or good fortune?  F*ck people!

Yeah we all have had fun with the Chromo V Dom, Have you seen my car, etc...  and we have known all along that those at the heart of those threads were little b*tches all along but man...so many have followed down that path and become little b*tches themselves.

AND...we've had those we disagree with and bash...but some of those have never changed their tune and are true to their colors (Surf and Dune...stay golden ponyboy...)

SO...how many of you can look at yourself and say you haven't become a little b*tch?  AND...there are just some of you that have been a little b*tch your whole life and just won't admit to it.  Only you can change it.

And....FLAME ON!

I hate it when I agree with Mac................... :ban:

@TheLatinLover is a LITTLE Bitch, but he was born that way....genetics. Can't fault him for that, like an ugly girl he goes the extra mile to make others like him, so he's a keeper.

My circle is small for a reason. I don't think I'm a huge douchebag, but I'm also not always nice if you don't deserve it at some level.

Everywhere you go on Social Media its the same :icallbs: , Twitter is the worst. If the places I enjoy the most become like Twitter, then I'm out. 


Because we have been molded into thinking me and my opinion are all that matter. No one else counts. Absolutely little to no thought or respect for other people. Today we just have more ways to display our ignorance.
While I agree....

So are we just supposed to accept the "new norm"?   Sorry man...I'm not doing it.  I'm a strong proponent of public humiliation and correction.  If you're a little b*tch...you need to be called out.

10-15 years ago, online talking was a novelty.  It was hard to really push people's buttons.

Now, for many, online chatter is a reality and major part of life.  No humor or humility. So serious!

People really think they’re speaking for a greater good, product, lifestyle, etc.  Social media has made people think they and their positions are important only because many people "see" it.

This site, while was insulated from Facebook, now has spill over.  Like Bansh said, people type their opinions and think it is the gospel.  For me, I have also thought my opinion is the gospel, so deal with it :classic_biggrin:

Man I miss the early 90's. ..when chat rooms just started.. I'd get in there.. and announce it was SCROLL TIME.. and you had everyone begging and pleading.. warning not to do it.. cause the Adimins couldn't monitor all of them at once.. I'd do a count down.. 5,.. 4... 3.. 2.. 1... then you hit . and return as fast as you can .. back and forth.. all the 'chats' would disappear and all you see is


















Until and Admin finally came on and booted you.. that was a fun troll thing to do...


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It's very clear! On GD we have a relationship and or a name to stand behind. Social medial breaks out the keyboard warriors and bad attitudes. 

You can post something here and very rarely does someone say something negative. Post on FB or other sites and people have no problem talking crap. 

I did receive threats back in the day on here.  40 Acres was his name?  Also RRideRR.  He got all twisted!

Nature of people also.  Been dealing with customers/public in my job most of my adult life.  I'd say, AT LEAST, 10% of the population is unbelievably dumb and would not have lived past 13, 75 years ago.

Its easier. Everyone was easier. Automated. Moe money and less work. It was his fault not mine. Having heart takes effort. Being a little chit is easier. 

Its easier. Everyone was easier. Automated. Moe money and less work. It was his fault not mine. Having heart takes effort. Being a little chit is easier. 
Plus, so many hid their real identity and hid behind a screen name.

Plus, so many hid their real identity and hid behind a screen name.
Most want to find me to put a fist in my face.  I try and gauge the person or size them up before I'l tell you I'm Mac... :lol:

Storytime... About 15 years ago or so....I was talking with Big E (Sandraptor) and Cuzzin Eddy walks up and introduces himself.  I tell him my name..."Steve".  He proceeds to tell us he's looking for Mac because he's going to beat his ass!  (He's serious by the way).  Before Big E could say anything, I pipe in..."What?  He's here?  Let me know when you find him because I'm going to put my foot up his ass!"  Cuzzin Eddy proceeds over to the next group..."Hey, any of you seen Mac?"  One of the guys..."You were just talking to him."   :lol:

He came back over with a purpose now...but we just laughed it off and had a couple beers.  Still give each other sh*t today.
