Who says Elon Musk doesn't have a sense of humor?

Lord of the Dunes

Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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A while back, Elon was on stage and he explained that in order to save the human race, he was selling electric vehicles, solar panels and Power Walls to cut down on greenhouse gasses. He also said we would overpopulate the planet, so he was going to colonize Mars and to do that, he needed a chit ton of money, his actual words. In order to make a chit ton of money, he was going to sell satellite internet, which is high profit margin.

In another interview, he explains why he names his cars the way he does. The first car he built was the roadster, to get the most attention from the public and the media, it was very sexy.

The next one, he named the model S.

The next one he tried to name the model E, but Ford really likes that letter of the alphabet, so he didn't get to use it.

So he named the next one the model 3.

The one after that was named the model X.

His latest one is named the model Y.

If he had gotten his way, it would have spelled SEXY, but he was forced to spell it S3XY, which most internet savvy would still recognize.

In another funny turn of events, back around 2002 or 2003, Elon made 3 trips to Russia to try to buy a surplus space rocket from the Russian gov't so he could learn as much as possible about rocket design. At the time, he didn't know diddly about space travel but he still founded SpaceX. The Russian gov't jerked him around, wasted his time on each of 3 trips and never sold him a rocket.

Fast forward to now. The Russian gov't's space program is nearly dead and as a publicity stunt, they flew a film crew up there to film some sort of film with actual ISS footage to drum up more interest for the space agency. Now, the head of the Russian space program has personally invited Elon and the head of NASA to come visit him in Russia to chat. There is some talk that Elon could open a Gigafactory in Russia to build batteries, Tesla cars and a SpaceX rocket factory and Starlink terminal factory, since Russians are on the forefront of rocketry and a lot of other technologies and Russian salaries are ridiculously low.


:poke:   Happy Friday Dude... :lol:


:poke:   Happy Friday Dude... :lol:

DUDE!! Haven't you been paying attention?? How could you leave out Donald Trump?

I'd be mashing all 3 buttons permanently!


Happy Friday to you, too!

Who says Lord of the Dunes doesn't have a sense of humor?

Donald Trump is done, he's no longer an option. Kinda like voting for Erika Eleniak as 2021 Playmate of the year...

Who says Lord of the Dunes doesn't have a sense of humor?

Donald Trump is done, he's no longer an option. Kinda like voting for Erika Eleniak as 2021 Playmate of the year...
Donald Trump 2024, The Revenge Tour!

Are you saying you've got someone hotter than Erika? Post her up! Let's see her!

I also think Alexandra D'Addario is smokin hot too. Check her out with Woody Harrelson in True Detective! NSFW!

and no, ABC has NOT hacked my account...

