Who has redone their own moho flooring?


Well-known member
May 7, 2021
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So right now I have linoleum throughout the coach except the back bedroom area. Then a bunch of thin throw rugs. Nice to shake them out and sweep the coach out after a trip. It is older and curled up and breaking off.  What product would be good? Linoleum squares and glue down? Tile the floor? I know the slide would need to be pulled out a few inches and blocked up. What about the uneven wood floor and prep? Some 16" tiles might be nice. Then make trim for all the edges. Advice and pics appreciated. Need to install my solar system this summer and maybe be a glutton and tackle this as well.  :blink:

My buddy Paul with the X3 that I think you met did his.  He is local if you wanted to talk to him and look at how it turned out.

This is what I have to work with. I wonder how hard it is to get the slide to go out another three or four inches to get the flooring up underneath. Need to look at the mechanism but wondering if you have to disconnect all the plumbing and a bunch of stuff or not.






I’ve done a couple and a 40 foot boat. I would not do peel and stick again. After time they start to come up and I was constantly re-gluing them back down. Maybe the quicker temperature changes and/or Moho twisting.
I did the boat with interlocking faux wood planks from Home Depot. The floor is not glued down and floats with a little spacing on the side. It worked well. Carpet is the easiest and I usually did the bedroom with that. 

I did the boat with interlocking faux wood planks from Home Depot. The floor is not glued down and floats with a little spacing on the side
This sounds very interesting. So not held down at all? Something with some give and floats would be great!

I have not done a moho yet - but I was planning to this off-season and using peel and stick that's also grout-able - thought being the sides would not peel up as easy given I'd be putting grout in.  Lowes sells it - I havent seen it at home depo yet.

This sounds very interesting. So not held down at all? Something with some give and floats would be great!
That’s correct. I believe that I went to about 1/8” to the cabinets and then trimmed it with some 1/2” quarter round nailed mainly to the cabinets. This allowed the sub floor to expand and contract under the flooring and quarter round.  

I just did vinyl plank flooring in my Moho removed the old tile and carpet and laid the vinyl plank flooring. For the slide I raised the slide about 1-2” using a floor jack on the outside with a 4x4 and moved the adjustment bolts on the slide rollers so I could Slide the vinyl plans under there, I started on the larger slide side. 


vinyl plank for the win.  I have done two coaches with it.  No glue just lay it down.  take a look at the slide I was able to remove 4 bolts and use my forklift to hold the slide while I brought the slide arms in.  Then was able to lower the fork lift and give me 3 in clearance inside to do the floor.  just make sure the slide doesn't rub new floor. easy and cheap.

I did my toy hauler. I ripped out all the old flooring and went to home depot to get my replacement.  The have rolls of linoleum so I got like 25 ft and put down which was a single piece and cut the edges as I went. I went with this option since I store the toys in the trailer.  I figured it will keep gas from seeping down. Before I put everything down I also rolled on water barrier product. With a motorhome it should be easier since you can go with planks. Make sure to roll on a water sealer of some sort. 

I did my toy hauler. I ripped out all the old flooring and went to home depot to get my replacement.  The have rolls of linoleum so I got like 25 ft and put down which was a single piece and cut the edges as I went. I went with this option since I store the toys in the trailer.  I figured it will keep gas from seeping down. Before I put everything down I also rolled on water barrier product. With a motorhome it should be easier since you can go with planks. Make sure to roll on a water sealer of some sort. 
good to put a plastic barrier down.
