Which GPS app for your phone?


Active member
May 5, 2021
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Looking for a good GPS app for my Samsung phone. I will only use it in Glamis and would like to be be able to set way points like camp, olds, swingset, etc. 

Thanks for the feedback

At night I was alone with another dude in my Turbo S and I got us lost,.. after the fuel light came on, we used my iphone's little map deal that has that blue deal showing you the direction you're headed. We bailed on 'duning' back and fortunately with the short wheel base he would just signal with his hands while holding the phone where camp was... we were 4 miles as the crow flies and that's how we drove it back.. like a jeep, straight line up and over the dunes. I swear we probably had only a few ounces of fuel in the tank once back. 

Almost spent the night in the dunes.. we were out of booze and water.. just the melted ice water in the cooler, temps weren't too bad at night, but it wouldn't have been fun.

I'm directionally challenged (among other things).

Good luck!


I have two . 

One is a simple Compass app, It's just going to tell me which direction is witch and really the only time I need that is in the dunes at night and that just gets me back in the general direction. Sometimes coming back from the ledge or the swing set after dark it is easy to get turned around and it seems no two people will agree what direction is which.

The other one is Aveda Maps. The only reason I have it at all is so  It can get me from where I am  to where you are. For swing set, hills camp and things like that I just use the GPS that is in my brain. 
