Where ya camping for Veterans Day?


Forum Moderator
May 1, 2021
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Since the beginning camp was always a big part of the event. While the ceremony takes place out at the flag pole there were things going on back at camp all weekend long, from wash 13 to the compound, to wash 22. Bounce houses, pot lucks, DJs, crafts and activities for the kiddos, etc. We've had some incredible times over the years on Veterans Day weekend!

Last year Rob graciously handed back the event and we formed the Glamis Veterans non-profit. Part of the goal is to grow the services and engagement, working on hosting an adrenaline therapy session for veterans later this season and other activities... at any rate, in an effort to reach more people and make it more accessible we moved the weekends event portion down behind the beach store... as much as we love 22 or 13 a lot of people didn't know or wouldn't make the trek down there. Part of the problem is that we aren't able to "camp" inside the event area/compound and are restricted to just a few rigs for security... which broke the tradition of having everyone at camp :cry:

We'll still be conducting the event inside the beach store property near vendors and tentatively have quite a few organizations scheduling to join us in there - super stoked for that! We aren't camping in there though and will be wrestling into vendor flats nearby. This allows a couple things - lets the volunteers and workers be close enough to shoot back and forth as needed and it also opens up the opportunity for anyone that wants to camp with us to join us :cheers:   

Vendors isn't the first choice of campsite that most here would pick for a normal weekend ...but this isn't a normal weekend :lol:   Just wanted to throw it out there and officially invite everyone to the chit show :hethan:

Vendor Row is Party Town USA, if you say you didn't start by camping in Vendor Row, Cement Flats, etc....then yore a filthy whore liar... :lol:

Awesome that you guys have the area behind the store for the event, kudos to @HozayKwarvo and everyone going this to the next level.

Eff crap like Camp RZR....This is worth so much more, it should be centralized for maximum participation.


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Vendor Row is Party Town USA, if you say you didn't start by camping in Vendor Row, Cement Flats, etc....then yore a filthy brat liar... :lol:


Vendor Row was my FIRST camp spot. You're absolutely correct Crusty! Peace

Gonna camp anywhere I can find. I didn't get the memo that it was already time to set up ghost camps so i missed out on the prime spots. 😢
