What's your opinion/take on the efforts of DOGE?

Is that so? How come they (Republicans) haven't been able to do it since (or before that)? I get people are loyal to parties but damn, lol.
Clintons 1996 state of union address “era of big govt is over” was a statement that congress was reigning in social spending
Not sure about this one
$4.5T in tax cuts, but only $1.5T in spending cuts. I am not the best at math but that doesn't add up. I would also bet that the Tax cuts wouldn't be directed at the middle class. Also, some of the program names stated in that article to have soending cut are things Trump said he wouldn't touch. And I hope they don't touch (ex Medicare) as that will impact more people then everyone thinks, and not in a good way.
The 4.5T is only an extension of the current tax cuts that Trump and Congress passed during Trumps first term and are expiring soon. If you do some research, the middle class and the poor benefit most from those tax cuts as far as the percentage of real decrease in taxes paid and more money in their pockets.

Another wonky thing that is misrepresented is raising the debt ceiling Trump requested. It is needed because the CBO only accounts for the loss of revenue from lower tax rates so it only shows as a expense and does not consider the increase in revenue that the tax cuts create through growth spurred by more capital in the private sector. If you research it, Federal tax revenue grew after the tax cuts were enacted during Trumps first term.

Trump has said that they are not going to cut SS and Medicare benefits. I think that 1.5T is first off, not instantaneous, its usually over several years. And those cuts will come from uncovering fraud and mismanagement. It has been reported during the Biden admin that these agencies have around 20% in fraud and waste.

Here is a link to a chart of Federal revenue year by year. The initial Trump tax cuts were implemented in 2018.
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I'm 100% for DOGE!

NGO's are a major leach on our society and need to be weeded out and the ones that survive should have robust oversight and auditing. When I first heard that federally funded NGO's were in Mexico instructing migrants on how to manipulate our immigration laws I couldn't believe we were funding it!
We had a NGO in our state that was contracted to administer an $80m grant program for POC businesses, no whites allowed. It was shot down by the courts for obvious reasons. They processed 3 or 4 grants before the courts shut it down. The NGO was paid $20M, that's right, $20M for processing a few thousand dollars before shutting down!!!
NGO's are sucking us dry! Go get 'em DOGE!
A customer thru work, told me to set up an NGO....she is making "bank" off the government.....she said it's so easy, everyone is doing it.
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I just read something interesting about the left blasting Musk for a $400m defense contract for armored cyber trucks. Turns out the defense budget was submitted in Oct '24 and that line item was listed as EV armored vehicle. Someone (swamp creature) added Tesla to the description in Dec. It appears the swamp vermin was setting up a false flag to use politically against the swamp cleaner!
This goes on city, county, state, and federal.
Sad but true.
we had to do a study because 1 million went unspent for a fresh fruit and vegetable program, consensus was the participants couldn't do math in their heads, so they gave up the funds. so we spend a ton redoing pamphlets with math equations on the back. .99lb is .99 for 1 lb, 1.98 is 2 pounds and so on. I was like really, its effing free product, they all have a smart phone and don't work, and can't figure this out. so we reprint thousands of copies.

baby formula.
store pays cost from a warehouse
sells to a participant at retail.
state pays retail.
state bills formula company for amounts sold monthly
formula company gives state back X per can sold/bought
state ends up paying like 3.00 a can.
why all the hoops, just order it and hand it out at the damn clinic.
Tornado hits a town and the formula contract winner sends in pallets of product to "help".
a year and a half later we get a call, can you come pick up these 3 pallets of formula, we never gave them out.
had like 60 days left before they went out of date. we are talking prob 25k or better at retail.....
Not sure where I heard this one but..

USAIDE turns over like 60 billion to this middleman company to in turn to give it back to the places where it will do the best.

Said Company is run by everybody's favorite shadow master Soros who naturally takes his cut off the top and sends it back to the Democrats Re-election coffers, You can see why they are getting nervous and why Soros is so generous with his money, It's not his.

That kind of crap needs to stop today and all the little minions who got the reach around need to be exposed.

That being said I just hope that some of the money that looks like it might be going for Left-Handed Puppet Lessons in the Amazon but is really going to fund covert shit that we actually need doesn't get thrown out, hopefully somebody knows what some of this crazy money is actually for.
Not sure where I heard this one but..

USAIDE turns over like 60 billion to this middleman company to in turn to give it back to the places where it will do the best.

Said Company is run by everybody's favorite shadow master Soros who naturally takes his cut off the top and sends it back to the Democrats Re-election coffers, You can see why they are getting nervous and why Soros is so generous with his money, It's not his.

That kind of crap needs to stop today and all the little minions who got the reach around need to be exposed.

That being said I just hope that some of the money that looks like it might be going for Left-Handed Puppet Lessons in the Amazon but is really going to fund covert shit that we actually need doesn't get thrown out, hopefully somebody knows what some of this crazy money is actually for.
Butbutbut George’s organization says that’s just not true…

Look up that Bankman Fried dude who was scamming the Crypto stuff...his parents are 1st class Aholes, he was LAUNDERING MONEY FOR THE DEMS.....the -prosecutor who bitched and resigned in New York was the one who didn't bring out any of that in his trial..... This shit is the open secret that DC has been laughing about for years...... Americans are about to be let in on the secret.......