What is the final Wash #?


Active member
May 5, 2021
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My kids have asked me for years but I haven't been able to answer.  How may washes are there?  Furthest I have camped is Wash 11. 

Wash Guide

Driving east past the Glamis Beach Store, right before you go over the rail road tracks is the Wash Road. So lets turn right [south] and follow along to some new information you may use in the future.

Most Wash Road users have ventured as far as Wash 10, where the Boardmanville Under crossing is. Most of us have at least camped as far down as Wash 13 or 14. This little fact filled story is geared towards the adventursom of us, and maybe like myself, someone that is looking for a quiet peaceful place to be on a Big Weekend at Glamis. Far away from the crowds and dust.

So lets start with The Glamis Beach Store [GBS] which is right at the Highway 78 / Railroad intersection. From this point we can calcuate all the milages to all the Washes.
FYI Rager Station to GBS is 6.00 miles
GBS to W-14 = 2.84 miles
GBS to W-15 = 3.21
GBS to W-23 = 5.27
GBS to W-25 = 5.66
GBS to W-27 = 6.02
GBS to W-32 = 6.82
GBS to Clyde Xing at W-39 = 8.62
GBS to Cactus Xing at W-64 = 13.6
GBS to W-90 17.8
[last Wash before Olgilby is W-93]

Wash 18 facts-
To Hill-3 = 3.49
To H-4 = 3.73
To H-5 = 3.88
To Olds = 4.43
To The Wall = 5.15
South on Wash Road to the Clyde Crossing is 5.00 miles.

You could take Ted Kift Road South from Hwy 78 and then cross over from TK over the Railroad tracks and then pick the Wash of your choice. TK Road is graded all the time and is much better than the Wash Road. Go South on TK form the 78 - 5.6 miles and turn right. Up over the tracks to Wash Road. I saw a giant Fuel truck [he had just added fuel to a RR managed system] manage this route, so your MH should be OK…

Wash 18 is the last wash before there is a burm to enter the wash camp areas and is fine for camping.

Washes 19-20-21 all have burms to enter and unless you have a 4X4 I’d skip these washes.

Wash 22 is flat smaller wash, it is the first after the burm.

Wash 23 facts- it is a larger flat wash medium soft and very clean.
2.43 miles past W-14.
To H-5 = 3.4
To H-6 [The Wall] = 4.26
5.27 miles south of Hwy 78, and just 3.35 to the Clyde Crossing.

Wash 24 - Flat and smaller than W-23

Wash -25 facts- Real big and flat, the road to 25 is OK, a little bumpy in spots so you will need to slow down to 5mph at times in a MH to get there.
It’s 17.3 miles north of the 8 Freeway.
To H-5 = 3.28 miles.
To H-6 it’s 4.04 miles.
“Only†2.96 miles to Clyde.

Wash 26 facts-Smaller camping area.
To H-5 = 3.38
To H-6 = 4.07
Wash 25 and 26 are very close together and the distances to the major hills will be the same.

Wash 27 Facts- bigger wash semi soft, stay away from bushes and critter holes.
To H-5 = 3.38
To H-6 = 3.97

Washes 28 to 31 more of the same, so pick a wash and camp.

Wash 32 facts- smaller wash. Soft flat dry wash.
3.81 to The Wall [H-6]
3.54 to China Wall [H-5]
This wash has smaller “kiddy†dunes that back right up to it. Going this far down [and any further] I’d want at least one 4X4 in your group.
Just 1.8 miles north of Clyde.

The Wash Road gets dicey soft past here to Wash 33 and 34

Washes 35 to 42 are in the open area you just may need a 4X4 down to this area. How far would you go to sleep all night long, dust free? Remember the Clyde Crossing over the Railroad tracks is between 39 and 40; 39.5 if you will.

I saw closure signs from Wash 43 to 82, other Washes in the area may be closed with the signs taken or downed. This will be near the AMA riding area, when the judge rules and the new RAMP goes into effect. Can you feel the 5 year old virgin dunes?

Wash 69 [yes, I was there] is 14.4 miles south of Hwy 78.
It is closed for camping.

Wash 93 is the last wash before Olgiby Road’s crossing over the RR tracks.
It’s 18.04 to Hwy 78 from there, and 5 miles further south to Interstate 8.
Thanks to Steve "Obsessed" one of the OG Members


Both the Clyde and Cactus crossings are long gone as far as I know. Do not drive down TK  expecting to be able to cross and have dune access. 
