What bucket list item “can’t” you do


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Apr 30, 2021
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I was watching a program the other day where 2 guys jump out of an airplane so high that they had oxygen masks (army type movie with full gear) Rambo kind of stuff. Although I have the means to skydive, I’m just too old and would be too scared at this point in my life. It sounds funny those words coming from my brain. But it’s reality. 

share any backlist item you have that you can’t or won’t do and why?

I like the way you're thinking John. Skydive is one for me too. Don't have the GoNads to do it. Also for me is Deep Sea Diving. That scares me too. Although i'm sure it's a great time down there with some incredible views. Peace

John, you could drive down to Poerris and do a tandem this afternoon.   It's a hell of a lot of fun.. and it's not that scary.  The hardest part is ealking to the door and being strapped to someone else and having others in the plane to encourage you....  no problem, you got it. 

The one thing on my list is to take more chances in my professional career.  I would like to have started a business or two and grown them to the point where I could turn them over to my kids or sell them for a bazillion dollars.  I could probably start a business at this point but don't have the time or energy I would need to grow it....  

As a 30 something, I decided I did not want to look back on life and wish I had done those bucket list things.  This is why my wife and i did them while we could.  Maybe not in huge scale, but we did them.  

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I was a lineman for 30+ years and love the outdoors, love the ocean and the dunes

I always wanted to skydive and my buddy said he was gonna do it on his 50th Birthday, I said sure! Let’s Go!

He chickened out and was “too busy”,(by the way- my biggest fear is falling...)

Daughter says hey dad wanna go? She had been skydiving a couple times We went! 

Once I got it in my head to do it, I never varied and had a blast, yes it scared the hell out of me, and was hard to trust that things were going to be just fine that I had NO control over...

Freefall for 30 seconds felt like 10 minutes!

When the parachute opened it was such a huge relief!!

Thats when it got REAL fun, and it was beautiful too for the next 3 minutes then it was over... easy landing 

Would I do it again? Yes, but it would be for a celebration or someone’s first time like mine... and I’d probably be a lot more scared... already knowing what it feels like : )

Sky Dive, While I did the indoor thing and it was pretty fun if some one said hey lets go I probably would do it.

Deep Sea dive, I did a non-cert dive in Bora Bora and was all into coming back and getting certified and doing that until I talked to a friend who had done it. He told me I had dived in a spot where dive masters he knew wished they could dive once in there life times and the places I would end up going around here would not be as cool.  So it would end up being something I did on trips. So it didn't make financial sense at the time.  If I had pans to go to Australia or Belize or someplace I would go and get certified first. 

Not sure if there are any things I want to do now that I could do that I wouldn't do because of fear. More like just not going to happen type of things or I know better to try at my age

I've jumped a few times.  Convinced my mom to go with me the last time.

Bull riding. Always wanted to try it when I was younger. Now that I am older and wiser, not going to happen. Skydiving was a rush, wife took me for my birthday a few years ago. Don't know if she was trying to kill me off LOL. Scuba diving is awesome, wife loves it as well. Wish we could do it more often. Everything else on my bucket list can be accomplished with time and money.

Taking a ride in a fighter jet like a F-18 or similar, my parents were both pilots but I never got the bug but would definitely do this! 

Everything else on my bucket list can be accomplished with time and money.
This is me! My bucket list is not so extreme or scary. But it’s just time & money, but mostly time and the general responsibility of life that keep much of it from happening. 

One of my bucket list things would be sitting passenger in a trophy truck (preferably a big name driver)for the 500 or the 1000.  Also Sky diving I love   Height’s but just never went to jump.   

[SIZE=20.74px]I was camped at roadrunner back around 2008 and this guy next to me took out a thing called a Paramotor trike.  [/SIZE]Basically a parachute with a propeller and motor strapped to your back (or in this case a trike). He flew over the dunes landing several times to take his grandkids on rides. I did some research, and they are a really safe and simple way to fly (as long as you don’t fly over water). You are limited to sunrise and sunset and need to fly in open areas with low wind. I never did it as it seemed pretty sketchy to  put a crappy two stroke motor on your back. Maybe once they go fully electric I will try it. The link below is to an interesting hybrid, a real flying car. 

[SIZE=20.74px]Xplorer Flying Car - Parajet Paramotors US[/SIZE]

Trip to Dubai or other sand area nearby and get to drive those wicked dunes in Funco's or SCU's provided with all the cool camp setups I see @John@Outfront and @CBM post stories/videos about

When I read this thread over the weekend, all my thoughts went straight to the list of ordinary things my disabled daughter will never experience   :classic_sad:

Walk her down the aisle, grandkids, etc.

...but then I started to think of all the THINGS we have DONE!  :cheers:

I'll have to think on what I "Can't" do....Sky Dive is probably one because i hate heights...but somebody could push me out the plane right? just pull me cord :lmao:

When I read this thread over the weekend, all my thoughts went straight to the list of ordinary things my disabled daughter will never experience   :classic_sad:

Walk her down the aisle, grandkids, etc.

...but then I started to think of all the THINGS we have DONE!  :cheers:

I'll have to think on what I "Can't" do....Sky Dive is probably one because i hate heights...but somebody could push me out the plane right? just pull me cord :lmao:
This is why I started the thread all the things I want to do in 5 years. Think of all the amazing things you can do & share with your daughter in the next 5 years. I bet you find more you can do with her, then can’t? 
