What about our veterans?

VA is fed gov. 


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F newsom, he implemented the fine for not buying insurance that the ACA basically priced me out of ($350 a month $7500 deductible, thats about $12k out of pocket before insurance pays a penny) and now all illegals will get it for free. so i dont have insurance i pay a fine at the end of the year and some guy walks across the boarder and gets it all for free. 

they estimate it will cost 2.1 billion. but if illegal get it all for free how do they know who is who they are illegal how do they keep track, that would cause even more people to come accross the boarder.  guess if i end up in the hospital im just going to have to say im not a citizen.

if it goes to vote im sure it will pass since anyone and everyone can vote in CA and they send ballots out to everyone, then add ballot harvesting. i dont see anymore radical ideas being stopped by voters.  

Newsome is a shitbag, eff that guy.

But the Title of this thread felt like click bait to me, all the Illegal Immigrant stuff they are proposing is a load of horseshit...

I just didn't like how Veterans in the title i felt was used to just stir it up.  I actually went and looked at CaVet site to see if there were any changes for this year, yes a few new laws to help Vets :usa:  


and details here, whats new for 2022


Newsome is a shitbag, eff that guy.

But the Title of this thread felt like click bait to me, all the Illegal Immigrant stuff they are proposing is a load of horseshit...

I just didn't like how Veterans in the title i felt was used to just stir it up.  I actually went and looked at CaVet site to see if there were any changes for this year, yes a few new laws to help Vets :usa:  


and details here, whats new for 2022

CALVET is a useless organization....more so than the VA.  Read through the "What's new for 2022"...Not a single thing that makes a difference.  And they make it such a big deal..."Can now be cremated with an American flag..."  F*cking stupid.  CALVET is only useful if your died while in service and your family is poor as f*ck.  Even then, nothing ground breaking.

Back to the main article...

So wait...Newsom complained a while back that CA needed more Federal funds.  YET....they have such a large surplus...and STILL...plan on raising taxes.  And....where the f*ck are those tax dollars going?   ILLEGALS!  

If CA was smart, they will save that money to cover the deficit they are going to encounter when the rich all leave and CA has no tax base to cover their spending.

The way they "Define" what is surplus funds....LOL...that made me chuckle too.

WE (those still in CA) are EFFED if change does not occur.

CALVET is a useless organization....more so than the VA.  Read through the "What's new for 2022"...Not a single thing that makes a difference.  And they make it such a big deal..."Can now be cremated with an American flag..."  F*cking stupid.  CALVET is only useful if your died while in service and your family is poor as f*ck.  Even then, nothing ground breaking.

Back to the main article...

So wait...Newsom complained a while back that CA needed more Federal funds.  YET....they have such a large surplus...and STILL...plan on raising taxes.  And....where the f*ck are those tax dollars going?   ILLEGALS!  

If CA was smart, they will save that money to cover the deficit they are going to encounter when the rich all leave and CA has no tax base to cover their spending.
Probably got cremated waiting to see someone at the VA...

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