Forum Moderator
May 1, 2021
Reaction score
What is it good for? Absolutely Nothing. Unless you're Israel. I say Bomb On!! EFF EM. Hamas Terrorist EFFers. Peace

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I hear the BLM ( Not the Federal version) want to stand next to Hamas, I say lets start booking them flights now.

I hear the BLM ( Not the Federal version) want to stand next to Hamas, I say lets start booking them flights now.
I'll help finance some flights. Peace 

I hear the BLM ( Not the Federal version) want to stand next to Hamas, I say lets start booking them flights now.
I will be more then happy to fight for the right to be left the fack alone and not terrorized by these "thugs"... no flights needed

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Keep Bombing! Peace

it's great for the greedy rich banking system of the world...

Our libtards are idiots! Peace

Time to prepare! Peace

WAR....Glad to see 20 years in Afghanistan paid off well. Peace

I'm confident the Taliban will understand and comply. Peace

bend a girl over and tell her to spell RUN

Middle East has been Fighting for 100's of years. Why are we involved? Peace
