VW Rabbit trucks


Active member
May 6, 2021
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Time for them to go! I loved my Rabbit truck, but in March I was rear ended by an uninsured driver, and because I only had liability on my VW I was never able to get anything taken care of. The guy turned into a ghost and its not going anywhere. Sucks, but Ive learned.... 

The silver one still runs and drives fine, its just bent up pretty good. It was never officially totaled and has a clean title. I bought the brown one with a blown motor (its currently in the back of the truck, probably never stands a chance of running ever again) to swap everything from the silver one over to, but I need to be honest about it and know that I will not get to it for a long time. Brown one is straight! 

Sweet little trucks. Not a lot running around anymore, but the ones that are still out there get a lot of looks and a lot of MPGs! Mine is a diesel and I get right at 44mpg every tank - doesn't matter where Im driving, how Im driving it, or what Ive got in the bed. Not the fastest thing on the road, but its one of the most unique "trucks" on it. Im asking $4,200 for them both. I have trailers and can haul the brown one anywhere within reason, even SoCal if you'll cover the fuel and lunch. Silver one is 100% drivable but I would not recommend driving it TOO far, mostly because theres no AC and it will take forever. 





wish I had the time, I have a friend that got 400,000 miles on a bone stock motor with the exception of a good pre filter. These are hard to find.


Yes, up until about a year ago mine was the only one I had ever seen. They've been described to me as being a wheel barrel with a motor - its so fitting haha

What years are they?

Are they both sticks?

Were they both Diesels to begin with?

What years are they?

Are they both sticks?

Were they both Diesels to begin with?
Silver is an 82 with the diesel and 5 speed and I think the brown one is as well, but I will have to look. Brown one was for sure a diesel with the 5 speed but Im not 100% on the year. 

Cool, you don't see them anywhere.

Did you post them FS on the Samba? VW site should get some good looks and offers from those guys...
Good point - I forgot about that! Thanks for the tip

Would be cool to tow behind a moho if they can be

Ha, I had those same silver wheels on my '84 Audi 4000S.  A lot of VW/Audi/Porsche crossover on parts.

Love live the "caddy" (that's for you purists out there)

They still make these, just not available in the US.

other than the tail gate//tail light what's bent?

The whole left side of the bed had a buckle in it. It would have been hard to bring it back in my opinion.... Sold these about two days after posting them on Samba, BUT I bought another one about two days after that 😂 Cool little car-truck things that I may have unintentionally gotten myself addicted to. This new one came with four or five motors, a very clean interior, spare set of wheels, and is straight. I didnt want to swap the good from the bad over to the new good on the last two, but here I am, taking a blown motor out of the latest one only to hopefully replace it with a turbo diesel from an 84 Jetta thats currently sitting on a pallet right next to the thing.... This could easly become a topic in a forum thats not meant for this kind of topic, but maybe we can get it moved over to the tech section and I can keep those of you who care updated! in the mean time, heres a few pics and a cool little article that was posted recently. 




