Virtually Zero emissions engine - Weighs 35Lbs makes 160HP 170 Ft Lbs Torque - and can be "stacked"


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May 5, 2021
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I am not betting the Future on EV's ... They just don't make practical sense for the long run.  Rare earth elements are just that  "rare" and controlled by countries we (I) don't like.  Battery tech is unsustainable without coal or Natural gas, or Nuclear, and those are being phased out fast - Let's Go Brandon - and anyone who thinks Solar and Wind are the answer to making  energy stored in batteries for the world is well naive at best ... Imagine the Nor-Easter the East just got and sustaining that heating on Battery>>

But on a more selfish note  - I like engines -  here is a cool one thats super simple and should be really reliable -  I can see a 3 stack in a Sand Car (480HP) or more , Single stack in a SxS  (160HP) or more  20,000 RPM capable

what do you think?

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