I got this trike form my dad who had it converted due to health issue. He was able to ride it a few times and ended up parking it as his health got worse. He did not like seeing it sit so he gave it to me. I have ridden it a few times over the past year and it just isn't for me. It is a one off kit done from Southwest trike. I get lots of attention every time I ride it. I currently have a Harley other wise I may consider keeping it. I just hate to have it sit. If it can get someone who is unable to ride a motorcycle back in the wind I am all for letting it go. I have not been able to find another like it to get some comp prices, I know the Cross Country is going for about 12K-15K, not sure what the trike kit adds ? Other than craigslist, offerup, and facebook market place anyone have any suggestions on where to post it to get the right attention ?