Veggie Burger

Good point.  

Veggie Meatloaf Sandwich. 

If you could see me laughing as i tried posting this earlier. Im laughing right now just thinking back. 

Took forever. Upside down pics. 

Meatloaf deserves it's rep.  If you have to put something as vile as ketchup on it to make it "taste good", it was trash to begin with. 

This is one instance where two negatives do not make a positive.

But, +1 for pics that are correct.

Ketchup dont lie. Its a sign the food sucks. The people i know who cook daily and make amazing food dont even have ketchup in their fridge. I keep a couple fast food packets around. They just rotate out every half year or so when i get new ones. 

No ketchup in my fridge.

You'd likely get punched in the mouth if you asked for A1 in my house.  There is a special place in hell for A1 people.

