Unknown tranny fluid in 091 6 rib


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2021
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My trans has an intermittent leak.  If its been sitting a few weeks and I go to fire the car up it will piss trans fluid a good amount.  Maybe a cup full, Then after it does that it does not leak.  Outfront said many 091 leak unless recently built but this car is old so it will leak and I am fine just topping off.  

My dilemma is that the previous owner "thinks he was using" Valvoline 90w but not 100%sure since it sat a few years then got it running and duning.  Spoke to guys at Car Craft and they said it should be synthetic and thats all they put in their VW trannys. But also said since previous owner used Valvoline then continue to use it.

WHAT IF it was not valvoline say its synthetic and I top off with Valvoline am I gonna do major harm?  What would you guys do if you were in my shoes, drain and fill with syn or stick to Valvoline 90?

Where’s it leaking?

Number of good quality gear oils out there. I use 5 star, @Grease Monkey has some good gear oil that prevents damage, and @Sean@Weddle had a recommendation I can’t remember. 

I don’t think it’ll hurt switching. 

Change it so you know what you have and don't look back. I'f it always pushes a cup of oil I wouldn't spend money on boutique oils. Just stick with Valvoline and top off as needed. 

When it leaks, is it coming from the vent tube?  Do you then top the fluid off after the leaking?

Or... finish season.  Pull it and have it gone through to get a clean bill of health with fresh oil of your choice.
