Trans girls in women's sports ?


Forum Moderator
May 1, 2021
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Not sure how we got here but we are here... I also can't understand how anyone thinks a biological boy competing against biological girls in most sports is fair :dunno:

Jenner got vilified by the tolerant left for saying as much, apparently not toting the woke company line is a bad thing, even if you are trans - but I think being an Olympic gold medalist makes you more of an expert on the subject than any of the talking heads in pink pussy hats that are calling for the torches and pitchforks.

This is becoming a bigger topic as the Olympics are getting closer.  

This is becoming a bigger topic as the Olympics are getting closer.  
Didn't the East Germans do this for a while and they wrote rules so that it couldn't happen any longer. 

No matter if you chop off a male’s nards or pump him full of female hormones he/she will always have (the  naturally developed) MUCH higher bone density.

That will always give them an advantage over biologically born females period (among other advantages).

But for this reason alone they should never be able to compete.

Bone density 

Write it down so you can clinically shut down the ‘woke.’


Women's Lib and the left wanted so much "equality" that they're getting it.  In a way, I'm all for it.  No more womens/mens sports.  Can the women not compete with men?  I thought gender is a social construct.  Or wait, are their 34 genders? 

Why are men soccer players paid more than women, even the playing field and see how much you get paid.  But then they'd have quota's for women on a team....but not quotas for race.  All races are equal.  All black NBA teams are fine.  But race quotas for coaches is good.  Too many white coaches.  And they guys who own teams?  WAY too many white guys.

This is all BS.

Women's Lib and the left wanted so much "equality" that they're getting it.  In a way, I'm all for it.  No more womens/mens sports.  Can the women not compete with men?  I thought gender is a social construct.  Or wait, are their 34 genders? 

Why are men soccer players paid more than women, even the playing field and see how much you get paid.  But then they'd have quota's for women on a team....but not quotas for race.  All races are equal.  All black NBA teams are fine.  But race quotas for coaches is good.  Too many white coaches.  And they guys who own teams?  WAY too many white guys.

This is all BS.

Its 100% bullsheet.  the folks I feel sorry for are the women college athletes who will get screwed out of scholarship opportunities & whos records will be destroyed by men. 

Crazy, saw Miss Nevada was a Trans and going to the Miss USA Pageant. How? Why? WTF? 

And I ditched Disney Plus and banned my kids from watching Woke Nickelodeon. You should see the crazy commercials they are running for kids.  

Crazy, saw Miss Nevada was a Trans and going to the Miss USA Pageant. How? Why? WTF? 

And I ditched Disney Plus and banned my kids from watching Woke Nickelodeon. You should see the crazy commercials they are running for kids.  
I don’t have kids that age anymore?  Just wondering what kind of Crap they can be showing?   Also I hope everyone is paying attention to what they are trying to teach your kids in school.  It’s flat crazy and makes my blood boil.  

I don’t have kids that age anymore?  Just wondering what kind of Crap they can be showing?   Also I hope everyone is paying attention to what they are trying to teach your kids in school.  It’s flat crazy and makes my blood boil.  
The disney app on fire tv now has a whole gay trans movie section black movie section and you really should see the new amazon cinderella where the fairy godmother is a dood in drag

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