Trans bill in Congress


Forum Moderator
Apr 30, 2021
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So this week congress passed a new bill forbidding transgender biological males from competing in women's and girls sports.  However, the vote was straight down party lines.  All democrats voted that it was OK for biological males to compete against women, and all republicans didn't.  Really?  
In what world does it make sense to vote against such a ban?  In what world would a registered democrat citizen (other than LGBTQ's) stand up and agree with their representative's vote on this?  Do all democratic parents want their daughters to compete on unfair grounds?  No, they don't.  So, are they all just going along with their party line, at the cost of their daughters competing with biological males?  What parent would think it's acceptable for a biological male to share a locker room with their daughter?  NONE!   Do all democrat politicians care less what their constituents want and believe?  
Biden himself said he would veto the bill if it got through the Senate.  The Senate vote will be interesting.  There are a few dems that have a record of voting their conscience, not always along party lines, especially sensitive subjects like this one. Even a 5yr old would know how to vote for this one.
This vote by ALL DEM congressmen/women seems very anti-woman to me, making sports very unfair for all females. And this is coming from democrats having a history screaming for fair and equal pay for women.
We live in weird times when bad is good, and wrong is right.  Leave it to the Dems to brainwash the public to simply accept this hypocrisy with constant gaslighting.
It’s all in scripture….

good will be called eval and evil will be called good…. Isaiah 5:20

Brother against brother, children will be sent by their own fathers to their death…Matt 10:21-23

People will become treacherous and lovers of self and money  2 Timothy 3:1-5

i could go on and on…. Times will continue getting worse. I paraphrased these few scriptures so look them up if you are inclined. It’s all been written in scripture so it comes as no surprise to many of us. The time is now to love on those around us and direct our eyes to heaven surrendering to the One who created us and sent his son to this crazy earth to make the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. So much more hope of what is to come for believers than what this earth has to offer! God Bless all of you and may we bind together in these unstable times and prepare for Christ’s return to take us home!!

Not trying to be preachy, just done with trying to explain the downward spiral of our humanity without offering hope for what is awaiting followers of Christ !

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Because that is a democrat value. 

I’m with you. I don’t know how a person could call themselves a democrat after seeing what their party supports.

Its so hard for me to keep my mouth shut. But i dont want the potential attention that will come from me saying what i REALLY REALLY want to say.

and this is what is effing wrong with this country. The fact i have to keep my mouth shut for my sake, my business’ sake, and for my families sake

It’s been said…….The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. 

I would think that democrats would see what is happening and get a clue. Shame that isn’t what will happen. They will say that every party has something you dont agree on so this is just one of them. This just sickens me….

My friends mom is a demo in Minnesoder.....She is an IDIOT....completely believes EVERYTHING she hears on CNN....can't reason with her, she wont look for herself because she doesn't want to know. 

My sister is Gay, she was successful at work... She is a Freakin MORON......she thinks republicans want to take away her rights.... I said rights to do what.....she said live.... I said you think they want to hunt you down and kill you...... she said YES....she truly believes it.... she is so incredibly stupid it's not even funny.....

It’s all in scripture….

good will be called eval and evil will be called good…. Isaiah 5:20

Brother against brother, children will be sent by their own fathers to their death…Matt 10:21-23

People will become treacherous and lovers of self and money  2 Timothy 3:1-5

i could go on and on…. Times will continue getting worse. I paraphrased these few scriptures so look them up if you are inclined. It’s all been written in scripture so it comes as no surprise to many of us. The time is now to love on those around us and direct our eyes to heaven surrendering to the One who created us and sent his son to this crazy earth to make the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. So much more hope of what is to come for believers than what this earth has to offer! God Bless all of you and may we bind together in these unstable times and prepare for Christ’s return to take us home!!

Not trying to be preachy, just done with trying to explain the downward spiral of our humanity without offering hope for what is awaiting followers of Christ !

AMEN! Peace

I would think that democrats would see what is happening and get a clue. Shame that isn’t what will happen. They will say that every party has something you dont agree on so this is just one of them. This just sickens me….
It is marxism. The absolute definition. This isnt left or right anymore. They are at war with america, and thats not a cliche. Its what is happening and we are too weak to stop it

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So this week congress passed a new bill forbidding transgender biological males from competing in women's and girls sports.  However, the vote was straight down party lines.  All democrats voted that it was OK for biological males to compete against women, and all republicans didn't.  Really?  
In what world does it make sense to vote against such a ban?  In what world would a registered democrat citizen (other than LGBTQ's) stand up and agree with their representative's vote on this?  Do all democratic parents want their daughters to compete on unfair grounds?  No, they don't.  So, are they all just going along with their party line, at the cost of their daughters competing with biological males?  What parent would think it's acceptable for a biological male to share a locker room with their daughter?  NONE!   Do all democrat politicians care less what their constituents want and believe?  
Biden himself said he would veto the bill if it got through the Senate.  The Senate vote will be interesting.  There are a few dems that have a record of voting their conscience, not always along party lines, especially sensitive subjects like this one. Even a 5yr old would know how to vote for this one.
This vote by ALL DEM congressmen/women seems very anti-woman to me, making sports very unfair for all females. And this is coming from democrats having a history screaming for fair and equal pay for women.
We live in weird times when bad is good, and wrong is right.  Leave it to the Dems to brainwash the public to simply accept this hypocrisy with constant gaslighting.
What they are doing is just confusing more children, man wanting to date a man or women dating a women, what ever, but to dress and act like a women just cant wrap my head around that, 

It’s all in scripture….

good will be called eval and evil will be called good…. Isaiah 5:20

Brother against brother, children will be sent by their own fathers to their death…Matt 10:21-23

People will become treacherous and lovers of self and money  2 Timothy 3:1-5

i could go on and on…. Times will continue getting worse. I paraphrased these few scriptures so look them up if you are inclined. It’s all been written in scripture so it comes as no surprise to many of us. The time is now to love on those around us and direct our eyes to heaven surrendering to the One who created us and sent his son to this crazy earth to make the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. So much more hope of what is to come for believers than what this earth has to offer! God Bless all of you and may we bind together in these unstable times and prepare for Christ’s return to take us home!!

Not trying to be preachy, just done with trying to explain the downward spiral of our humanity without offering hope for what is awaiting followers of Christ !
Having in invisible people giving me direction, and wanting to take my money, is just as bad as a man acting like a women,   

What they are doing is just confusing more children, man wanting to date a man or women dating a women, what ever, but to dress and act like a women just cant wrap my head around that, 

Having in invisible people giving me direction, and wanting to take my money, is just as bad as a man acting like a women,   
I don't think you fully understand Faith, what you are talking about is religion....there is a HUGE difference. 

My sister is Gay, she was successful at work... She is a Freakin MORON......she thinks republicans want to take away her rights.... I said rights to do what.....she said live.... I said you think they want to hunt you down and kill you...... she said YES....she truly believes it.... she is so incredibly stupid it's not even funny.....
I have a gay woman co-worker. She believes that she does not have any rights. She believes that she could be killed at any time and no charges would be filed because it is legal to kill a gay. I can't imagine living life like that, the ideology not the gay part.

I have a gay woman co-worker. She believes that she does not have any rights. She believes that she could be killed at any time and no charges would be filed because it is legal to kill a gay. I can't imagine living life like that, the ideology not the gay part.

Koko Da Doll was fatally shot in Atlanta, Ga. on Tuesday, becoming the second Black trans woman to be killed in the city in just seven days

Koko Da Doll was fatally shot in Atlanta, Ga. on Tuesday, becoming the second Black trans woman to be killed in the city in just seven days
Nothing in that story indicates he was killed because he was trans. It says that 38 trans people were killed in 2022. Quick google check says there were over 26,000 people murdered in 2022. The 38 is definitely not more important than the 26,000.
