Too many wires off battery and hot starter post


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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Hey peeps, need some ideas.  Funco Gen 4 Turbo Honda 3.5.  I bought this car 5 years ago or so, and I have never liked how all the hot wires are attached.  I have 4 wires coming off the hot Starter post (powering computer, and maybe fans, hard to tell they are all in a loom headed to ECU and Relays), I also have 3 more hot wires off the battery (I think running radio, and something else).

My question, maybe Funco specific, where are people putting bus bars, I would like to clean up this all up if possible.  I currently have tranny and engine out, so much easier to do now.  There is no room under rear seat (fuel tank).  So where is everyone putting these bus bars?  Any ideas would be great.


starter wires.jpg

I ran a big gauge wire up to the front of my car to power all the accessories. 

I use these.


this a bigger issue than people think.  there should really be one cable per post.  there have been very many times one of the cables isnt marked red or black so if they get mixed up then it goes back on the wrong post!  i see this on buggies and street cars.  you can even smoke some things

nice upgrade to do and the posts LRS showed is a great option

Run into this a lot in the marine industry. Blue Seas is a manufacturer/supplier of a lot of this stuff and their products are really nice.  Tons of options.  Google Blue seas and make your list.  West marine, Amazon etc are good places to purchase.



You guys rock, I knew it was a good idea asking you guys for recommendations, my head was making this too complicated.

I just redid all that on my Gen 4 that had a turbo honda in it.  For all my radios and lights, I ran a heavy gauge cable to the front and put a buss bar under the hood to pull power from. I also redid the small fuse/relay panel with a single line feed then split it off to a separate fuse block to power other items. All my power splits off the battery switch, that way when I turn off the main battery switch, everything is dead. 


You guys rock, I knew it was a good idea asking you guys for recommendations, my head was making this too complicated.
I have most of these items shown in stock, my shop is off of greenwald 

You guys rock, I knew it was a good idea asking you guys for recommendations, my head was making this too complicated.
Just get the correct size ring terminal and a pellet of solder.  Put all of said wires in the one ring terminal.  I'm sure they are already fused, but if not, add a fuse box or inline fuses.  :ez:

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Have 2006 Gen4. Oddessy makes brass extenders as posts so you can add pos or neg lines suggested directly to battery, i.e. rugged radio. (Which has inline fuze) This also allows for easy hook for trickle chargers. I do run most all other lines to Fuze box as shown above, and also have one 4-gauge all shutoff pos switch which I use almost always as I'm on trickle.

Have 2006 Gen4. Oddessy makes brass extenders as posts so you can add pos or neg lines suggested directly to battery, i.e. rugged radio. (Which has inline fuze) This also allows for easy hook for trickle chargers. I do run most all other lines to Fuze box as shown above, and also have one 4-gauge all shutoff pos switch which I use almost always as I'm on trickle.
Thanks, with the suggestions above, I have a plan to move all the wires off the Starter, I was still struggling with the battery (also since all the fuel lines are right on that side as well).

FYI, everything is fused and relayed.
