Tony Hawk: Until the wheels fall off

I watched it the night it came out. It was a great show. Nice to see how everything played out. 

Amazing time in Skateboarding, "our" time if your my age. I remember it all happening, great memories and wow I didn't know all the other aspects to his life.

He has a great story, my kids enjoyed it as well....I'm glad somebody told it.

Steve Caballero, Tony Hawk, Mike McGill, Lance Mountain, Rodney Mullen, Stacy Peralta, and Per Welinder of the Bones Brigade.

I wanna find the whole video series now..


Amazing time in Skateboarding, "our" time if your my age. I remember it all happening, great memories and wow I didn't know all the other aspects to his life.

He has a great story, my kids enjoyed it as well....I'm glad somebody told it.

Steve Caballero, Tony Hawk, Mike McGill, Lance Mountain, Rodney Mullen, Stacy Peralta, and Per Welinder of the Bones Brigade.

I wanna find the whole video series now..

I was fortunate enough to frequent Lance Mountain's house...this was after the Future Primitive Video and he re-did the ramp with Metal surface...super fast and he got rid of the channel too.

It was awesome!

Such fun times.

My parents were totally cool about it and let me build a halfpipe in the backyard. I was in Jr. High. Had to get a building permit to do it and draw up plans to submit to the city...then a few years later, tore it down and built it bigger.

Great times.

I’m obviously mistaken from you guys conversation but I thought this guy was dead.

 I took my boys from 29 Palms to Irvine when someone from this era was doing a meet and greet at a grand opening. The Spectrum if I recall. Pretty sure who I’m thinking of committed  suicide.

We did the whole Metal Mulisha, Crusty Demons of Dirt Global Assault Tour, Anaheim, BMX, blah blah blah scenes back then. They were all into Mike Metzger, Tricky Ricky Carmichael, those type guys.

Hell my oldest boy bent his thumb up by the middle of his forearm doing a backflip on his BMX bicycle. Broke, dislocated, fugged up some tendons and ligaments. I was glad when they discovered girls and quit having me transport them all over SoCal.

Ain’t gonna lie though, enjoyed every minute of it.👍

Watched it a few times now. My daughter loves it.  Good stuff.

There's a documentary on Christian Hosoi out there that's really good too.  I think it was on Netflix years ago.

 I remember watching Tony ( never heard of him before ) for the first time at the Lakewood Pro Am. Hosoi was also there and they were shredding some of the pros and they were just kids. I remember Hosoi was riding a purple sims Mike Folmer board with sims double conical two tone wheels. We were right up against the edge of the pool watching him fly so high you could see the wheels starting to slow down as he came back into the pool. It was fun to watch.

Thanks @dbart I don't have HBO but I will find this and watch it.  

Lots of memories of old skateparks and backyard halfpipes. 

On my to watch list for sure, just haven't gotten around to it yet. I grew up skating in the 70s and kept at it until I hit my mid 40s (when slamming was no longer Type 2 fun). I still cruise around Hermosa on one and will bomb a hill from time to time.  It is so cool that  there are so many parks and now and they are all free.  Kids these days are absolutely ripping and their stoke level is so high.  

Amazing to see Tony back on a board just weeks after breaking his femur . . .


I've already watched it twice. The nostalgia is beyond words. We had a crew of about six guys and skated every inch of San Diego county. Was never a vert guy though. 

I have to admit, we all hated Tony hawk. Wasn't really his fault, it was just every poser had a Tony hawk board and t-shirt. Street skating was a different vibe.

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Just saw Tony on Sunday at the Carlsbad Outlet center.  He was limping and had a cane.  I met him a few times. Super nice guy and definately one of the best at his craft.

I've already watched it twice. The nostalgia is beyond words. We had a crew of about six guys and skated every inch of San Diego county. Was never a vert guy though. 

I have to admit, we all hated Tony hawk. Wasn't really his fault, it was just every poser had a Tony hawk board and t-shirt. Street skating was a different vibe.
My one buddy worshiped [SIZE=11pt]Rodney Mullen, we all laughed at him...but his tricks got all the chicks cause he could do his show at their feet.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Freestyle was very [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]underrated[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] IMHO.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Vert was reserved solely for the :crazyeyes: [/SIZE]

My one buddy worshiped [SIZE=11pt]Rodney Mullen, we all laughed at him...but his tricks got all the chicks cause he could do his show at their feet.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Freestyle was very [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]underrated[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] IMHO.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Vert was reserved solely for the :crazyeyes: [/SIZE]
Haha.. yeah, we went through our Mullen stage. Super technical tricks. I couldn't do handstands, so I was never going to be good. 😂

He turned into quite a philosophical dude. 

The tatted out guy who was talking chit about Hawk had me rolling. "You wanna spin around and do cute tricks, go play with your sisters batton". Bwahaha  

Never got into skateboarding. Maybe cause I sucked at it. Used to race down Ricks Driveway turn left (First Turn) and battle to the Eilerts driveway. Repeat over and over. That first turn holeshot was vital for the win,...,...and violent. Peace

I too grew up in the 70's and 80's and was very much into the skateboard scene. Did the whole ramp in the back yard, had the where abouts of every empty pool around ! Definitely good times. Watch a little "Search for Animal Chin" and then go shred.

There is another interesting documentary that is less exciting to watch than the Hawk one. It chronicles the story of Mark "the Gator" Rogowski who rode for Vison boards Stoked: The Rise and Fall of Gator .
