I tried nearly everything in my tires over the years. I hated a gallon of antifreeze swishing around - and thinking of the weight and unbalance issues, the same with radiator stop leak, and Starch seems to work well and it dries up almost completely, but you have to keep adding every season or 2x a season if you run hard. Its annoying
A couple years ago I bought BLOCK CHECK since it cannot hurt aluminum (google it if you don't know what it is - I know GMonkey does...) and filled my tire that was leaking really bad and put 25Lbs in it, came back after a day with the UV light and glasses and saw some amazing stuff, the tire was leaking from the rim in a bunch of spots in the back and through the sidewall in two areas, so I disassembled the tire ad rim cleaned it out and used truckers "bead sealer" on rim and on the bed lock and filled the tire and let it sit a week - it hardly went down 2lbs or so.. so I figured the sidewall leaks were minimal. I took the car out for hard 3 day and came back and within 2 days tire was way down
I repeated the Block check and saw same rim leaks, so I concluded the flex of everything even on a good seal will always make the rim leak... So I am back to sealant - But I am using Berrymans and I only have to use a fraction of what I used before.... so far so good.