Timelapse - Glamis Veterans Ceremony 2021 Arrivals


Active member
May 2, 2021
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My son (@j.nuibe.photography on IG) had an idea to take a timelapse of the arrival of the crowd at the ceremony this year.  We got there early and setup far enugh away to get most of the people in the shot.  We could have started it a bit earlier, but wanted to get the busiest time, with most people arriving.  As it is, this was shot over 1 hour and 25 minutes and is made up of over 5,000 individual photos. If you've got the monitor for it, this will play in full 4K resolution.

Pretty cool, crazy how many folks made it.


That's pretty awesome!  Thanks for putting that together.

Probably the coolest thing I will see all day. Gonna be hard to too that.

 I hate the Dave Mathews Band for the most part but while watching that all I hear is that Ant's Marching song. 

Cool Video for sure

Major props to yore son for conceiving of and pulling this off.  Well done . . .

Very cool. 
Thanks for posting. 

Thanks guys, I'll pass on the positive feedback.  He's working on a whole series of timelapse shots from different areas of Glamis (Vets ceremony, the ledge, sand highway, sunrise, sunset, etc). The goal is to put them all together into a video when completed.  

@kazuaki Thank you and your son for this :hethan:  Was pretty busy and didn't get a chance to chat much but looking forward to seeing you guys in the dunes soon 
