Tiger Woods is BACK! at Masters!


Well-known member
May 6, 2021
Reaction score
Holy heck! 5th hole and at par for now. Best is so far 2 under. Wow! He's a machine! 

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He finished -1 for the day.

Pretty awesome after all the crap he's been through.

Yep, but then he forgot how to putt.




Poor guy, he is barely getting by.  But, if he went by private jet....he ain't got much money left, after the caddie, motel6, and what-not

Far from poor lol 

His name was mentioned about as many times as he's got in net worth. That's why he showed up. They also mentioned details of his accident leaving his foot 180 degrees turned before reconstruction. Insane he even finished. Just amazing times we're living in. Try that 50 years ago. 

The fat guys behind the screens will see his finish score and scoff as they wipe the Cheetos off their lap. Probably make comments about him cheating on his wife and blah blah blah. For him to even make the cut with the top golfers in the world at Augusta after his accident is a huge win for him and golf. 

I honestly used to dislike him a lot back in his prime years, and I went crazy whenever Phil beat him (I was a serious golf addict before other hobbies took over, and then off-roading finally came around).

As time went on and golf was not my focus anymore, I started to see a whole different side of Tiger, and started to like him and root for him.  What he is showing now is that no matter how wealthy and famous he is, and no matter how much he has been beaten down by TREMENDOUS physical injuries, he is fighting to be the best he can be until the very end of his career, and he is instilling a sense of purpose and desire to be good or great at whatever you do, in his son.

I feel that at this time, in 2022, looking at what Tiger is trying to do, he is a model for all of us to try to keep forging ahead even if unforeseen obstacles have gotten in our way.

Go Tiger!!

Far from poor lol 

His name was mentioned about as many times as he's got in net worth. That's why he showed up. They also mentioned details of his accident leaving his foot 180 degrees turned before reconstruction. Insane he even finished. Just amazing times we're living in. Try that 50 years ago. 
50 years ago pros were overweight, smoked like a chimney and were still drunk from the night before on the first tee…

The fat guys behind the screens will see his finish score and scoff as they wipe the Cheetos off their lap. Probably make comments about him cheating on his wife and blah blah blah. For him to even make the cut with the top golfers in the world at Augusta after his accident is a huge win for him and golf. 
No shiat. I played Riviera the day after a tournament, the greens were faster than a tabletop and the rough was over ankle deep, played lights out and shot 88. There is NO comparison to what us mortals play on verses a course that has been set up for the pros not to mention a major tournament.

I shot a -28 on Tiger Woods golf! A bunch of Eagles, 2 double eagles and the rest birdies...it's not that hard!


Seriously though, what comes to mind when I look at Tiger, Determination, Focus...Commitment!

He's like the John Wick of Golf :biggrin:

My hats off to him and all that he is doing and all that he has done for the sport.


Keep it going Tiger...I hope he wins again soon!

Reporter: Hey did you see Tiger play?

Scheffler: How did he do? 47th?

No. I was too busy winning.

Shooter McGaven is a true pioneer known for his willingness to bet on just about anything at the 19th hole.
I am more of a fan of Roy "Tin Cup" McAvoy, His stand on 18 was what promoted him to legend status. 

I am more of a fan of Roy "Tin Cup" McAvoy, His stand on 18 was what promoted him to legend status. 
Of course! Got me thinking of another golf prodigy that had his back against the wall and with sheer will and determination hung in the fight uttering the battle call “ the price is wrong bitch.”

50 years ago pros were overweight, smoked like a chimney and were still drunk from the night before on the first tee…

John Daly Urges People To Drink Vodka To Cure COVID-19

“I only drink one drink a day, it just happens to be a bottle of good old Belvedere,” Daly said as he showed listeners the clear bottle of vodka in the camera shot. “Just drink one of these a day. You know, sippy, sippy on a McDonald’s diet Coke ya know, wash it down pretty good. Never have a hangover.


“And that’s the way you kill this coronavirus I believe. But ya’ll be safe, take care and hopefully we’ll be getting back to the things we do best pretty soon.”



Of course! Got me thinking of another golf prodigy that had his back against the wall and with sheer will and determination hung in the fight uttering the battle call “ the price is wrong bitch.”
Shooter and Tin Cup were cool cats for sure. But I'm a fan of the underground cash games. The best being when Danny Noonan and Ty Webb crushed Judge Smails and Dr. Beeper right before Carl at Bushwood country club solved the extreme gopher problem.
