Thoughts on USA for next 6 months?..........


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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Posting this as I am in NV and far enough down the rabbit hole to dent my tin foil hat. Curious to hear other people's thoughts (knowing that there are a lot of AZ and So CA peeps here) about the future of the USA over the next 6 months. Here in Reno area; EVERYONE supports Trump. I know the masses in Vegas (Clarke County) could swing NV to blue (which is F'd since 95% of the state does not want that. Similar to CA where only two areas are blue). Thoughts? Trump wins? Trump doesn't live to see inauguration day? Another Covid pandemic? I won't post my thoughts as I am too jaded by crazy far right conspiracies (that I don't always believe, and I do not think would be good for this country).......
Kamala will win, Republicans will throw a fit but will remain civil and vow to beat the Dems in the primaries... Sound familiar?
I hope I'm wrong cuz I really, really, REALLY want to see the liberals lose their effing minds.

It's too hard to predict what's going to happen in the next 6 months. We could have a financial meltdown, a world war, a government coup, civil war, everything's on the table.
More than likely things will just remain the same, unfortunately..
When I'm asked where I see myself in 5 years...


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I think at this point based upon what I’ve seen in the past it doesn’t matter if Trump wins (My fingers are crossed that he does) or if Harris wins. THERE WILL BE CIVIL UNREST! The s$&t is going to hit the fan and I think the regular people of the USA need to be ready for it. It’s going to be the pandemic on steroids! But hey what do I know 🤷🏻‍♂️
both sides kind of suck,
But if trump moves forward with the tariffs all imports are not going to make a loss to sell us product, the end Comsumer will pay for this,

Last tariffs, cranks went from $550 to $750 then a year later now around $1000. Blocks went from $1200 to $2700 over night, my suppliers all blamed the Tariffs,

So if he gets Elected, i will most likely purchase a bunch of inventory and sit on it,

We need a reset button from the both sides,
This is all we can find, we are screwed.

Well not the pour or the rich, just the ones that make above 30K
My gut says Trump easily wins, and I would not be surprised in the least that he will be assassinated shortly afterward. The libs have an unnatural hate for the man, mostly based on their fear that he will dismantle the real power brokers, the unelected bureaucrats.
In the words of my buddy Shelprock,......." Were Doomed........Well never make it !!"
Trump Wins. We'll be in Glamis with Friends after the News Spreads across the World. Fuel up and go where nothing matters except finding the best bowls with the right amount of HP to give us the feeling we long to enjoy. As @Slappy might say "Ripping a Bowl..Singing a Tune.....Nobody Dune like Slappy Dune" I'm going to go look for Slappy. Peace
In 1971, Pete Townshend of “The Who” wrote a song about revolution, “Won't Get Fooled Again.” Per the online platform Songfacts, in the first verse, there is an uprising. In the middle, those in power are overthrown, but, in the end, the new regime becomes just like the old regime.

Nothing changes but the names on the desk/name plate, we'll be in the same shitty situation.

Burger Flippers are making how much now?

If Trump wins, the Left will go ApeShiat and make the previous riots during his tenure look like a walk in the park!
If Harris wins, the Right will do nothing like always and we will be forever F'd!!
This country is already in such a downward spiral that I do not see how we recover without a full and complete Reset.....but once that starts / happens...there's no turning back!
Unfortunately, I think Harris wins, I think the Dems have the system rigged and figured out, the media and judicial systems are in their back pocket and that is all they need.
I pray that I am wrong and would hope Trump wins, although he is past his prime and what this country has to offer as far as a F'n Joke!

Have a Nice Day! 😵‍💫
If Trump wins, the Left will go ApeShiat and make the previous riots during his tenure look like a walk in the park!
If Harris wins, the Right will do nothing like always and we will be forever F'd!!
This country is already in such a downward spiral that I do not see how we recover without a full and complete Reset.....but once that starts / happens...there's no turning back!
Unfortunately, I think Harris wins, I think the Dems have the system rigged and figured out, the media and judicial systems are in their back pocket and that is all they need.
I pray that I am wrong and would hope Trump wins, although he is past his prime and what this country has to offer as far as a F'n Joke!

Have a Nice Day! 😵‍💫
nailed it
Could get closer than 6 mos thanks to Iran firing missiles into Israel as we speak. Peace
My gut says Trump easily wins, and I would not be surprised in the least that he will be assassinated shortly afterward. The libs have an unnatural hate for the man, mostly based on their fear that he will dismantle the real power brokers, the unelected bureaucrats.
But he didn't do that last time, so why would they be scared ?
But he didn't do that last time, so why would they be scared ?
Fear is usually based on emotion and not facts. Your question is very valid though.
I think part of the problem was Trump was not a politician when he first took office and needed to learn how DC works, and he also unwisely surrounded himself with establishment types that probably didn't give him accurate info/advice and worked for their interest instead of what's best for the country.
I want to believe that he has learned from his first term and has a better idea on how to start draining the swamp. Also, the swamp has gotten more embolden during Biden's time and it has slithered out of the swamp and is more visible than ever, which also makes them an easier target.
One of Trump's stated goals is to audit all Federal agencies for efficiency and effectiveness and he has enlisted Elon Musk to lead that initiative. This is one of the most attractive proposals IMO, even more effective than tax cuts and all the usual campaign promises. And if he listens to Musk and Ramaswamy (proven business leaders) on cleaning up the waste and ineffective bureaucracies, that will have a more positive impact on the country than almost anything else. Even if it partially drains the parasitic swamp.
But then again, it is probably just wishful thinking on my part? 🤷‍♂️
Am I the only one here that doesn’t think he lost in 2020? Lol

I think he wins in a landslide.. she is the most unpopular vp in modern history. She didn’t get a single vote when she tried to run for president in the primaries..

She hasn’t done anything with the border, I can’t think of a single accomplishment that she has done in office..

The trillion dollar propaganda going against Trump is a little frightening.. but really how does Trump lose this? Albeit that debate didn’t help much.

There are so many better candidates at this point then these two.. (and I am as pro Trump as it gets).. I’d rather see even rfk at this point or Vivek or jd Vance, Ron desantis would be a front runner for me.. Rand Paul

Shit I got a long list.. lol.
I do not support either candidate. Trump is an idiot...but I support his platform and ideology. harris? No fucking way could I ever vote blue. I could not be further opposed to their ideology. In the end...I blame Republicans for this. They DO FUCKING NOTHING! to groom viable and electable candidates. NO ONE wants 1950s again. Stop...move on...update the platform. Give up abortion...let it go. If you don't like it...then don't get one. If you can't, look at it this way...liberals want abortions...resulting in fewer liberals. And no, I don't support abortion but it's time to move on and focus on what really matters and fixing our country for EVERYONE.

I'm not one to throw all my eggs and support into one basket. I have a few ideas.

- Trump wins...the left goes apeshit again and causes another 4 years of obstruction and nothing gets done.
- Trump wins...the left goes apeshit again but this time, Trump fights back and starts arresting people and goes after political opponents as retribution. (MY FAVORITE OPTION)
- Harris wins...we remain at status quo and on a stead decline.
- Harris wins...she goes full retard on destroying the country and we end up in socialism.
- Harris wins...the right finally gets sick of it and starts a civil war. (Another fine option)
- Harris wins...other countries see the US as weak and strike us, starting another war. The US collapses under global war, followed by civil war.

Bottomline, the left and media have done their best to convince the US that harris is the pick and winner. If Trump wins, the media and left have set this up to say the election was "stolen" due to their shitty polls and hype. I simply do not see how so many people can be out screaming Trump and NO ONE is holding harris parades, etc...NO ONE.
Am I the only one here that doesn’t think he lost in 2020? Lol

I think he wins in a landslide.. she is the most unpopular vp in modern history. She didn’t get a single vote when she tried to run for president in the primaries..

She hasn’t done anything with the border, I can’t think of a single accomplishment that she has done in office..

The trillion dollar propaganda going against Trump is a little frightening.. but really how does Trump lose this? Albeit that debate didn’t help much.

There are so many better candidates at this point then these two.. (and I am as pro Trump as it gets).. I’d rather see even rfk at this point or Vivek or jd Vance, Ron desantis would be a front runner for me.. Rand Paul

Shit I got a long list.. lol.
Here is harris' platform...she's not Trump. No one is voting for harris...they are voting against Trump.