Those Dang Whoops

🤣The guy calling out safe to the safety crew guy who nearly lost his life. Ouch those whoops are brutal. 
Believe this is a repost though 😁

That does not look like fun.   Guessing that was from the Mint 400.

A few years ago we end up on part of the Mint 400 course a few weeks after the race.  The whoops were massive.  

The amazing thing if they make it they're back ON THE GAS! Peace

There was a video on YT of a trophy truck doing what looked like 100mph on a pole line road when it hit a whoop and flipped end over end a few times. Then it landed on it's wheels, engine running, the driver asked the co-driver if he was OK and they took off again! There was footage shot from inside the cab and outside from the driver's side. I love that video, but I can't seem to be able to find it any more. Does anyone remember seeing it?

That was gnarls.  Some were goin for it, and didn’t do too bad.  

There was a video on YT of a trophy truck doing what looked like 100mph on a pole line road when it hit a whoop and flipped end over end a few times. Then it landed on it's wheels, engine running, the driver asked the co-driver if he was OK and they took off again! There was footage shot from inside the cab and outside from the driver's side. I love that video, but I can't seem to be able to find it any more. Does anyone remember seeing it?

5 hours ago, Rockwood said:

Awesome stuff. I got to ride in a Geiser brother trophy truck through some big whoops like that. I remember thinking my Mendi 2D would be broken about 5 seconds.

Awesome stuff. I got to ride in a Geiser brother trophy truck through some big whoops like that. I remember thinking my Mendi 2D would be broken about 5 seconds.
How’s the ride feel over stuff like that? Feel nothing, or just uncomfortable but controlled?

The slow motion shots are incredible. It's cool seeing the suspension work and seeing the driver work the wheel in those shots.

Awesome videos.  Hitting a 3'-4' whoop at 100+ is crazy!

How’s the ride feel over stuff like that? Feel nothing, or just uncomfortable but controlled?
It has been quite some time but I found some old pics of that truck. My dads shop was going through the engine at the time. Very exotic Ford powerplant. Out NW of Phoenix near Lake Pleasant there is a small loop aptly named The Geiser loop. Lots of guys test there. I do remember in the whoops tensing up a whole bunch and finally realizing I could relax. Same with the big jump they do across a road / high spot. Big air!!  You would really have to be physically fit to ride 100s of miles in one of those trucks. I was tired from just a few miles. It would take some getting used to for sure. 




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