This absolutely outrageous!


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
Reaction score
Auto registration renewal for each vehicle is $29 this year.  Up $1 from last year!  :makerain:

Auto registration renewal for each vehicle is $29 this year.  Up $1 from last year!  :makerain:
Uh, nosuh.  That's only if you go into the county clerk.  If you process by mail, there's an extra $2 processing fee.

But we drive on 6 lane wide freeways with palm trees and in n out burgers every 2 miles and you drive on dirt roads...with dudes playing banjos that married their sister...
LOL...  How many lanes should that 6 lane freeway be to actually handle the traffic without rage-inducing jams...? :biggrin:

Stand in Line. Grab a ticket. We'll call ya when we're ready! Peace


Where you at Peutaux @TheLatinLover ????

CA registration is an effing joke!

Effing scam here! Effing DEMONCRAPS, Effing LIBERALS....Effing EFF!!!


But the weather.....   :bag:

