The Site

Admin Dude

Staff member
Apr 29, 2021
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First off, I just want to welcome everyone back.  Everyone here at feels your pain when you say "where'd all my shit go???".  We have wrestled with that sickening feeling in the bottoms of our stomachs when we realized the gravity of the catastrophic disaster at our hosting company.  But we have to prevail.  We must prevail!!! Did we lose everything? Pretty much.  What we didn't lose were all the images that have been uploaded to the site over the past 20 years.  It's now a matter of sorting through them and trying to make sense of them and putting them back.  I will probably upload them to the Gallery, under different categories so people can go through and maybe find a photo they wish they hadn't lost.  It's just going to take time, so bare with us.  Randy, Samplr, FNG, Crusty, Greasemonkey and all the mods will be busy putting content back in.   We also encourage everyone to post as much as possible.  Let's make more bad ass than ever!



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glad sites back up. lesson learned... dont leave info you need sitting in pm's. 🙁

Thanks again for working so hard at getting the site back up, thanks again 

Glad it is back up, but man with as many IT Guru's on here surprised someone couldn't save or hack the old history file. Well on to bringing sexy back!

I got to say I’m so bummed to see the whole GD history wiped clean. So much info, history and memory of past duners gone! 

I hope the site can start all over, but I just don’t know? Social Media has changed so much and with all the OG content gone it just sucks to think about.

But with that said, I’m glad to be back on GD. 
