The really annoying thing about the climate change alarmists

Lord of the Dunes

Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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It's how ignorant they are. For example I know a libtard who is actually open minded - he asked me a lot of questions and seemed really surprised by my answers - all he knew was that CNN told him we need to stop burning hydrocarbons immediately and pay more taxes to fix the problem. He thought that all greenhouse gasses were caused by human sources, etc. He didn't know that natural sources of methane are 20x -80x more potent GGs than CO2, depending on who you talk to. I tend to believe 20x, since 80x I've only heard from one source.

Fortunately, every time we talked, we both had computers so when he asked me a question, he could verify my answer, since he thought I was a lying Trump supporter. Of course I couldn't help but tweak his mind by asking him why he was going to vote for Biden and he wasn't allowed to mention Trump. After a few seconds of silence, he burst out laughing, admitting, "You got me! I hate Trump! That's it!" I pointed out to him that only an emotional little b1tch votes like that.  :lol:

Back to climate change. He didn't know anything about LFTR nuclear reactors, offshore wind power or the fact that the earth is a self balancing (kind of) closed loop system. In regards to the CO2->O2 loop, as CO2 levels rise, trees grow more leaves naturally and consume more CO2 and produce more O2, with no input from us, just like rabbit populations rise from greater food sources. He was also surprised to learn that the NASA climate change analysis that he kept referring to had underestimated natural methane sources by a factor of 10. Even after they corrected for that, they completely left out the natural greening self balancing factor in their calculations. I use the term calculations very loosely, since all of their projections were based on guesses or estimates of global CO2 generation, methane sources and quantity.

Now it turns out the foremost think tank in the world is stating that the fastest/best way to counter climate change isn't to stop driving cars or burning hydrocarbons. The fastest way to cure the problem is to plant more trees and plants, especially in urban areas. Only 3% of the earth's surface is covered in jungles and that was higher up until recently. We need to grow a lot more trees, which will absorb the CO2 and convert it to O2, which we need.

But, they probably have the same opinion about us....because it is common knowledge, in their circle, about all their made-up stuff being true

I work in the air pollution monitoring industry & one of the sales guys put together a chart that was super interesting to me.  For the previous 20 years, when the oval office was Blue, the amount of money available to spend on air pollution monitoring went down, every time the oval office was Red it went up. Facts, not opinions.

And yea, some folks are not rational, some like your friend seem to be.  I learn a LOT more when I close my trap than when I have it open.

JMHO, but the whole climate change/green agenda/save the earth stuff is simply about a talking point to obtain money.  nothing more.  very few people actually give a chit about the environment.  a tragic example of that is sitting on the top of Olds on any Saturday or Sunday morning............. 

I'm all for Science and Innovation to make the world a better pace. However when low operating costs, production efficiency and a perfectly operating infrastructure are thrown out the window, slated for the junkyard....then its just a Political/Social Agenda that will benefit whomever is pushing that agenda...

Creative Marketing and Political Campaigns woo the masses....its sad really.

But, they probably have the same opinion about us....because it is common knowledge, in their circle, about all their made-up stuff being true
I actually blame the lying media for this. Somehow CNN and MSNBC (there are others, but these seem to be the worst to me) has turned them into non-thinking zombies, incapable of absorbing info from any other source. It's sad, really.

I'm all for Science and Innovation to make the world a better pace. However when low operating costs, production efficiency and a perfectly operating infrastructure are thrown out the window, slated for the junkyard....then its just a Political/Social Agenda that will benefit whomever is pushing that agenda...

Creative Marketing and Political Campaigns woo the masses....its sad really.
Yup, it's all about politics and money. Raising taxes, where money and politics collide. San Diego's SANDAG is trying to implement a road tax of 4 cents/mile. No talk of repealing the recently raised gas taxes. This to build up "free" public transportation for those who can't afford a car.

We already have buses, trolleys, the coaster, taxis, Uber, etc. Ride one of those!!

I work in the air pollution monitoring industry & one of the sales guys put together a chart that was super interesting to me.  For the previous 20 years, when the oval office was Blue, the amount of money available to spend on air pollution monitoring went down, every time the oval office was Red it went up. Facts, not opinions.

And yea, some folks are not rational, some like your friend seem to be.  I learn a LOT more when I close my trap than when I have it open.

JMHO, but the whole climate change/green agenda/save the earth stuff is simply about a talking point to obtain money.  nothing more.  very few people actually give a chit about the environment.  a tragic example of that is sitting on the top of Olds on any Saturday or Sunday morning............. 
Have you been to the river or Havasu lately? It's tough to see... we went out to Apex in North LV a couple weeks ago and the amount of trash left was simply astounding. It really is very sad. 

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I'm not that smart and I didn't go to college but I'm convinced the leaders of China are real smart. While the tree huggers here run around screaming that CO2 gases are gonna cause the world to burn up, China (and India) are burning more and more fossil fuels every year. They clearly do not see an "existential threat" from CO2.

When I see the Chinese dismantling all their fossil fuel power plants,  THEN I'll believe global warming is something to worry about.

I'm not that smart and I didn't go to college but I'm convinced the leaders of China are real smart. While the tree huggers here run around screaming that CO2 gases are gonna cause the world to burn up, China (and India) are burning more and more fossil fuels every year. They clearly do not see an "existential threat" from CO2.

When I see the Chinese dismantling all their fossil fuel power plants,  THEN I'll believe global warming is something to worry about.
You're absolutely right. That's why the Paris accord was such a crappy deal for us. We were going to pay the lion's share, but China, etc were doing the most polluting.

China just recently built a thorium nuclear power plant, but it's pretty late in the game. You're right, they have horrendous air pollution problems from all of the coal power plants with no filters on them. India also has tons of pollution, mostly litter and groundwater contamination, but they've recently been installing solar panels like crazy. Again, probably too little, too late.


I'm all for Science and Innovation to make the world a better pace. However when low operating costs, production efficiency and a perfectly operating infrastructure are thrown out the window, slated for the junkyard....then its just a Political/Social Agenda that will benefit whomever is pushing that agenda...

Creative Marketing and Political Campaigns woo the masses....its sad really.
Even worse when climate controls make it unpossible to manufacture here, so it moves to a country that doesn't give a single fack. For example, battery production moving south:

But hey, some politician somewhere gets to say they solved lead pollution in the US and no one reports on it.

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Even worse when climate controls make it unpossible to manufacture here, so it moves to a country that doesn't give a single fack. For example, battery production moving south and the New River:
That shit flows right into the Salton Sea?



Nasty shit....I never knew...good article, everyone near that river/cess pool is effed.

That chit flows right into the Salton Sea?

Nasty chit....I never knew...good article, everyone near that river/cess pool is effed.
Ayep.  They've created wetlands to help filter it...

But, in the end, Mexico doesn't care and we pretend that we've reduced pollution by moving it a couple of miles south...

I'm not that smart and I didn't go to college but I'm convinced the leaders of China are real smart. While the tree huggers here run around screaming that CO2 gases are gonna cause the world to burn up, China (and India) are burning more and more fossil fuels every year. They clearly do not see an "existential threat" from CO2.
In the last 15 years we have done a quite a bit of business in China.  a bunch of it was for the Olympics They agreed for the Olympic committee that they would be some huge number of air pollution instruments.  They did, we essentially sold them @ cost to win that bid.  most of them said in the boxes we shipped them in until they threw them into the landfill.  they never said that they would deploy them or that they would make any changes based on the data.....  They shut down all of the businesses around where the Olympics were held to let the air clean up a bit during the Olympics, then it was back to Game on.....  After that they have continued to buy machines, and actually have deployed them.  we have learned a bunch from that, but thats another story.... 

So, based on what Ive seen, this is not a function of them not thinking its a problem (because they know it is) is a function of them not giving a chit its a problem.

Seems like you're mixing apples and oranges. There's old school "air pollution" and then there's CO2. Nobody likes air pollution but nobody believes it's going to kill off the entire human race and it is possible for a nation to accept air pollution in order to bring energy and prosperity to it's citizens. CO2 is not a pollutant EXCEPT in relation to global warming theory.

To me, there's 3 basic positions you can have on global warming theory

1. It's not true at all. Human CO2 emissions don't contribute to global temperature increases

2. Human CO2 emissions may contribute somewhat to global temperature increases but those increases aren't necessarily going to continue inexorably till we all burn up. In fact, the increases might even be a good thing for people living far away from the equator (like Canada or Russia)

3. Human CO2 is causing global temperature increases that are inexorable and will soon burn us all to a crisp.

The fanatics in this country are all screaming number 3. India and China show zero sign they believe number 3. While China does do some solar and wind where they deem it to be the best financial option, they keep building coal power plants left and right. I just read the other day that China even  builds coal power plant "kits" that they sell to other third world nations that want electricity. That is not the actions of a people who believe we are going to burn up. 

Again, when China tears down it's fossil fuel power plants, regardless of the cost, and encourages or demands that other countries do the same, THEN I'll really be worried.

Seems like you're mixing apples and oranges. There's old school "air pollution" and then there's CO2. Nobody likes air pollution but nobody believes it's going to kill off the entire human race and it is possible for a nation to accept air pollution in order to bring energy and prosperity to it's citizens. CO2 is not a pollutant EXCEPT in relation to global warming theory.

To me, there's 3 basic positions you can have on global warming theory

1. It's not true at all. Human CO2 emissions don't contribute to global temperature increases

2. Human CO2 emissions may contribute somewhat to global temperature increases but those increases aren't necessarily going to continue inexorably till we all burn up. In fact, the increases might even be a good thing for people living far away from the equator (like Canada or Russia)

3. Human CO2 is causing global temperature increases that are inexorable and will soon burn us all to a crisp.

The fanatics in this country are all screaming number 3. India and China show zero sign they believe number 3. While China does do some solar and wind where they deem it to be the best financial option, they keep building coal power plants left and right. I just read the other day that China even  builds coal power plant "kits" that they sell to other third world nations that want electricity. That is not the actions of a people who believe we are going to burn up. 

Again, when China tears down it's fossil fuel power plants, regardless of the cost, and encourages or demands that other countries do the same, THEN I'll really be worried.
Excellent description. Put me down as a member of category #1. But I don't just deny global warming, I don't think human causes affects the major ocean currents that drive weather changes on earth. Changes that have been occurring for millenia.

The leftist looneys that coined the phrase "climate change" were brilliant. It's undeniable as they say, because climate change has been happening since the beginning of mankind and before.
