The real enemy we are facing...

Lord of the Dunes

Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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It might look like the Russians are our real enemy, but a bigger threat is right here, within our borders. Liberalism. The "open the borders, free healthcare, free college tuition, everyone's included, socialism is good," crowd, aided by social media with Russia behind the scenes. They sow seeds of doubt, they divide us, they subvert the real narrative all via liberal social media outlets like FB and Twitter.

Just look at the contrast between the Russian Army recruiting video and the US Army recruiting video. As the narrator concludes, we are focked.

20 hours ago, Lord of the Dunes said:

It might look like the Russians are our real enemy, but a bigger threat is right here, within our borders. Liberalism. The "open the borders, free healthcare, free college tuition, everyone's included, socialism is good," crowd, aided by social media with Russia behind the scenes. They sow seeds of doubt, they divide us, they subvert the real narrative all via liberal social media outlets like FB and Twitter.

Just look at the contrast between the Russian Army recruiting video and the US Army recruiting video. As the narrator concludes, we are focked.

I follow Jason Christoff because of how literal he is with his information. He's preached plenty of the pussification of America has been taking place for ever. It's all very real. He does this interview half asleep for whatever reason and everything he says is spot on and doesn't miss a beat. His business is educating the mind of the self sabotage we face daily. Coffee, alcohol, cigarettes, TV etc etc. We are dooming ourselves to begin with. This isn't for everyone, but I find it intriguing.

Edited to add: the stuff I enjoyed most here was at about 33min in. 

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The Pussification of America has been going on for over 30+ years…and has only gained momentum. All those participation trophies from the  “Karen” moms decades ago complaining how their child they forced to play sports was owed a trophy for finishing last…is just one example. 
There is a interview on YouTube from the 80’s with a ex KGB and the guy is spot on. 

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 Knowing is not the problem, do something. Get up to bat, or shut up. This lady tells me a homeless guy is pissing in the parking lot and 

I think the cops can't do anything about this guy but she wants Joe random citizen to do something. I don't have an answer, but talking about it

won't fix anything, will it? I hear a lot of problems, no solutions, no actions. I love when I hear a story of someone doing something nice, like its special , when 

it should just be normal. Now normal is shi**** people being shi****.

Do what's right everyday. You'll be thankful you did. Peace
