The Line Fire

My SIL just got their mandatory evacuation orders. They live in Running Springs/Smiley Park
Sounds like we’ve got company coming over. And staying until the evacuation orders are lifted.
That thunderhead over the mountains was HUGE today.....that was a wing ripper for sure.
I’m in running springs keeping an eye on it before I leave. I’ll try and attach some video from my house and the end of the street before the sun went down
Wow so sorry to see that hope they can get a line around it soon. Prayers for the community.
This has been a terrible fire year here in Oregon I have been on five fires this year and was put on standby yesterday will really be glad when we get some fall rains.
Looks like fire crews are doing a stellar job. It was a scorcher here in san diego today. 109 in el cajon 103 in mission valley 88 at ocean beach add humidity to all of that
The west side of this fire (the side going towards Running Springs and me) got a good help with the rain.
It really helped the fire to lay down. Now the east side is going bad and is heading towards Hwy 38 and those communities.