The February DOTM is?


May 2, 2021
Reaction score
Congratulations to the February DOTM @Grease Monkey. He was nominated by @URCLEVER
My vote is for @Grease Monkey . This guy is solid every time someone needs help, he steps up. I had my funco at funco for repairs and he said why don't I pick it up for you and bring it out for you so you don't have to pay someone to transport it. Then days before he calls me and says it is gonna rain, so he picked up my enclosed at my bro's in Norco and picks up my funco and delivers it to me on gecko. Then he won't take no money, not even gas money. Just a handshake was good enough for him. Solid guy and fellow duner. Thank you @Grease Monkeyfor always helping a fellow duner out.
Tony is good people. I like helping good people. I've had the pleasure of 60+ days in Glamis this season. Lots of trips back and forth with lots of people needing a part, stopping at Kartek, dragging my flatbed, fixing a generator or 3 for Glamis rentals, helping out Brad at Daddy's etc. Just what I do and it makes me feel good.
Tony, as you know, It was my pleasure. Glad we got the enclosed. It was a wet mess on the freeway from Funco to Palm springs.
Agreed GREAT man all around!!! Always does above and beyond for ppl.

May have done a couple of those trips to Kartek and pulling a flatbed out myself but wouldn’t change it.