Terrible hit and run!!

Wow not at all what I thought when I read the title but that was funny and dang that had to hurt

That’s what he gets for wearing a mask walking all by himself….. probably drove with it on.  The dog took out the dumb dumb

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Was expecting a gnarly wreck. Funny shiit there. Mask couldn't save him tho. Peace

Been there done that at the dog park...
I stopped going to this one dog park because there was this big pit bull who hurt probably 3 people one who I was pretty sure got a torn ACL.  AS soon as they let that dog in the park he would take off running full speed for about twenty minutes and never looked where he was going. Can't blame the owners can't blame the dog and the dog as pissed off and mean looking as he was never was aggressive towards people or other dogs just wanted to run and have dogs chase him. Super friendly too. but dam if you saw him running you got the hell out of his way. 

Who let the dogs out....woof wooof...wooof
