Tennis Elbow (Lateral epicondylitis)


Well-known member
May 6, 2021
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Being a mechanic for the last 20 years has taken it's toll and have been dealing with it in my right arm since latter part of last year. I wear the brace thingy and have tried to be mindful but it persists. Short of going to the doc, curious if any of you have had any luck with remedies or ways to help simmer the soreness?

I wish I could help. I’ve been a heavy equipment mechanic for 40+ years. And my elbows are about the only thing that doesn’t hurt. My knees use to hurt all the time until I started eating jalapeños there’s something in them that helps with joint pain. 

I had to take injections to get mine to stop.

I get it bad sometimes. Makes me pay attention to diet. If you can ditch the steak for a pork loin or piece of chicken that alone can help. 

These days maybe look into cbd. Thats an easy fix because you just eat it or apply it. Changing diet sucks. 

Do you like salsa? Tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, peppers. Like Robert said chili peppers are super healthy. 

Cook with Turmeric or buy turmeric pills. 

Make it fun. Look up foods that are anti inflammatory and see what you like. Lots of those food are super tasty. I buy avocados, tomatoes, garlic, peppers pretty much every grocery trip. To me those aren't even "diet" foods. They taste great and actually good for the human body because they reduce inflammation. Which is what tennis elbow is. 

I was having issues with my elbow as well couple years back. Started icing it everyday it helped but then found this. Theraband flexbar. It worked for me. I ordered the green one. Look them up on YouTube or Amazon. 

Don't be afraid of the doc....sometimes they can help...
It's not the docs I have issues with, it's my nearly non-existent insurance.

I wish I could help. I’ve been a heavy equipment mechanic for 40+ years. And my elbows are about the only thing that doesn’t hurt. My knees use to hurt all the time until I started eating jalapeños there’s something in them that helps with joint pain. 
:5:  I like jalapenos. I'll have to look into that.

I had to take injections to get mine to stop.
Wondered about that.

I get it bad sometimes. Makes me pay attention to diet. If you can ditch the steak for a pork loin or piece of chicken that alone can help. 

These days maybe look into cbd. Thats an easy fix because you just eat it or apply it. Changing diet sucks. 

Do you like salsa? Tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, peppers. Like Robert said chili peppers are super healthy. 

Cook with Turmeric or buy turmeric pills. 

Make it fun. Look up foods that are anti inflammatory and see what you like. Lots of those food are super tasty. I buy avocados, tomatoes, garlic, peppers pretty much every grocery trip. To me those aren't even "diet" foods. They taste great and actually good for the human body because they reduce inflammation. Which is what tennis elbow is. 
I have to be careful with some foods. As of late things like tomato paste or sauces causes horrendous heartburn. Gurd runs in my family, it's showing itself now. I'll have a look into it tho.

I'm almost positive it's been building up I just haven't noticed it until I was doing some work on my motorhome last year and smacked the concrete with my elbow and got funny bone pain like I'd never felt before and it's been bothering me since.

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I have very arthritic feet/ankles, I used to limp around at the age of 45.  I know take a tumeric pill everyday and my feet feel great.  It works for sure, I have changed nothing else.

My GERD is out of control, coughing fits from herniated esophagus :thumbsdown:

Looks like a trip to COSTCO for some Turmeric, I've always heard it worked well. I walk around like an old man these days.


I have this Plus Nerve damage and I am holding off as long as I can NOT to have surgery
