Tekonsha Prodigy P3 issues


New member
May 10, 2021
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Does anyone have the Tekonsha Prodigy P3 brake controller ?

I am having issues with mine. More times than not it will show that the trailer is not connected even when it is. I have two trailers that both do the same thing when connected. However those same trailers work just fine connected to another truck. Which leads me back to my truck and or controller. I will note that even when the controller shows not trailer connected, the lights work just fine. Brakes are only thing effected. Which is kind of a big deal. When the trailer is connected and showing no connection, I can wiggle the wire to the controller and it will flash on and sometimes it will show connected other times it will just go back to no trailer connected. Sounds like a short somewhere but where, everything works just not when I want or need it to. Any advise as I have been going in circles and getting no where. 

I have had this happen when towing and going down a grade applying the brake, I can see when the light goes off and I can feel the weight of the trailer as I am now only braking with my truck. This happens going though town at stop lights as well. I can be stopped with my foot on the brake and the voltage will be displayed, and then the light goes out and I have no trailer brakes once I approach next light.

I bought it online from amazon and the seller will not respond to my emails. Not sure if Tekonsha will warranty either ? 

Is it a plug and play harness or did you crimp it?  I would think the harness has something to do with it...once it's in the controller that is all solid state stuff, the fact that wiggling the connector makes a difference makes me think its in the wiring right there. 

I would also check the brake tab in your 7 way receptacle on your truck. The lights may work fine but if the tab that sends voltage to brakes is corroded or not making good contact in the plug it could cause the brakes to be an issue when everything else is fine. 

Yes, it is a plug and play. I was thinking about getting a new harness. I have tested the 7 way plug end connectors and they seem to always give off readings when testing. Nothing intermittent like the controller. Its just one of those things where I have been trying this and that and just kind of got lost. So I appreciate the suggestions. 
