Teenager died last weekend


Well-known member
May 6, 2021
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My son told me a friend of his passed away at Glamis last weekend. I guess he crashed jumping his dirt bike and died from internal bleeding. I asked him who it was and it’s Marty Smiths grandson. Prayers for the family

We saw the Reach helicopter take off once over the weekend.

RIP young duner.


I believe he was 19. When he crashed he was able to get up. Then fell cause he couldn’t breathe. The helicopter landed but left shortly after because there was nothing they could do. Not sure of his riding capabilities.

I don't generally go on FB and haven't posted in years.. I show I had a mutual friend, Andrew Buck. So sad. Looks like the kid was an active rider.



fb Marty Smith.jpg

Marty and his wife died April of 2020 in Glamis and now his grandson. 

Very sad for the family..

Lost my best friend to a dirt bike crash in Barstow last year. Spoke to an ER Dr. that works in Yuma and Brawley, he said that massive trauma like we see from ground impacts takes a lot of lives. Sad for everyone involved. The Dr. said the very little can be done once there is a certain level of trauma and even if they were IN the ER they would still pass.   

Be careful, and enjoy every days gifts and blessings.  Sadly, nothing will ease the families pain right now. 

Young man died of a punctured lung. Everyone should get helicoter ride insurance for glamis. Keep it clean. This is a wonderful family who lurk here and have extended family and friends that lurk here

Very sad. I saw an IG post of someone performing chest compressions as the helicopter was taking back off without him. The poster was “bringing awareness” to safe riding. Not the time or place bud. I wish more people took a second and thought about other people when posting stuff. 

Condolences to the family and friends...very sad situation on two accounts for them. 😞 

very sad to read R.I.P. young man

There was a group of riders jumping near the Ledge late in the day on Sunday, not sure if this was the same group.  The video of him receiving chest compressions was taken from the ledge as well.  So sad  RIP Young Man

So sad for that family...too much tragedy in such a short time!

Godspeed young rider, you are now cruising the dunes in Heaven with your grandparents!


