Swing-Axle Set-Up


Active member
May 9, 2021
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I am working on a street-legal pan-frame rail.    It is a Swing-Axle w/bus reduction gears.  It has what I consider excessive wheel camber.  

Is there a rule on how to set the height/axle angle correctly?

I have the reduction gears, so I have plenty of height.  I have, briefly read Unsafe at Any Speed.  Nadar alleged that the Corvair was unsafe because of the Swing-Axle and lack of a front anti-roll bar....which I don't have.    

How high should I set-up my suspension?

I'd Imagine you would want to set it so the axle tubes are horizontal(parallel to the ground) to minimize camber and fulcrum plate wear. Ground clearance is the main reason people crank the torsion bars up, since you have the bus reduction boxes that's not an issue. 

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Agreed to set the axle tubes parallel to the ground. But it could be too soft. You would need the right shock to help even it out. 
