States Failing to Enforce Federal Gun Laws


Well-known member
May 3, 2021
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So I'll drop this little gem here.

Lots of talk about states passing laws to protect the Second Amendment and firearms from the current administration and even just Federal laws.  

How do you feel about this?  Personally...I love it. 

But now...all the anti-gunners are suing and making a stink that the states don't have power above the Federal government.  But wait...then why didn't the Fed go after states for legalizing cannabis?  It's still a Federal law that makes it illegal right?  The pick and chose on the whole gun debate and with liberals/current administration kills me.  Seriously...f*ck these people.

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Thanx Mac, agreed. Now wait for it........ all the "oh no guns are bad" peeps will be chiming in very soon lol. 

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Is this any different that "selected prosecution" that is going on concerning Jan 6 "rioters" and last yers "mostly peaceful protestors" getting off completely - 

Pick and chose - completely political 

It's sickening to see how the laws are being selectively enforced or fought.  I'm glad to see the states standing up for our rights, but as is stated, it shouldn't need to be this way.  The point about cannabis is a valid counter argument as well.  There are so many examples....the elite "leaders" such as the Clintons that have a mysterious surrounding that anybody that tries to cross them "commits suicide".  It is all disheartening and frustrating!

I am glad to see that there are still some people with some common sense, and they are trying to protect our rights still.  That is just a little ray of hope for us.

It's sickening to see how the laws are being selectively enforced or fought. 
You mean by the very people that take an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States? By letting violent criminals lose while trying to take you right to bare arms away? By opening the border for any foreign migrant, possibly Covid positive, to waltz in to the country despite title 42 and laws that require the border to be secure? (but only the southern border, the northern border is still closed to keep those crazy Canucks out!)

Now the DOJ just announced that they intend to go after states that are going back to the pre-Covid voting laws. The DOJ is going to attempt to keep the special voting methods put in place due to Covid permanent. That means universal mail in, no ID required, etc. 

Sad part is they get away with it. 

I think a better analogy is a city or state making illegal immigration legal.

You mean by the very people that take an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States? By letting violent criminals lose while trying to take you right to bare arms away? By opening the border for any foreign migrant, possibly Covid positive, to waltz in to the country despite title 42 and laws that require the border to be secure? (but only the southern border, the northern border is still closed to keep those crazy Canucks out!)

Now the DOJ just announced that they intend to go after states that are going back to the pre-Covid voting laws. The DOJ is going to attempt to keep the special voting methods put in place due to Covid permanent. That means universal mail in, no ID required, etc. 

Sad part is they get away with it. 
You are exactly correct!

It is tragically sad that they get away with it!

My longest was 366 days.  Shortest was a couple around 6 months.  And, a couple that were in the middle...

I did get two F1s back in about 11 days once...
I want to say my longest was 14 months.  I want to try to e-file for a SBR.  I have heard that can be shorter than 3 months, but I have no idea how to do it.
