Stacker Split Rail Lift to Belly Lift conversion?


New member
Feb 23, 2022
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I'm in the market for a 20-24' Stacker. Everything on the market right now either has a split rail or a full platform. Has anyone converted a Stinger or Titan split rail into a belly lift? I'll be hauling a side by side and a car/suv.

Thank you in advance.

I remember a tread on this before (maybe old site) not sure.....There were people doing it and having to re do the cables and a bit of fab work but they were doing it for sure and it saved a ton of $$$$

IIRC,,,.... @DuneRDR did it to one.

Post pics of the conversion


cool. It will save money and time. I'm getting 8 to 19 months on new builds.

not a big deal to swap out.  Just need new cables and remove one side.   I put a 4 seat can am and a full size car in my stacker with a split platform no problem. 

excellent. thanks for the info. Squatcher, was that a Stinger Lift?

not a big deal to swap out.  Just need new cables and remove one side.   I put a 4 seat can am and a full size car in my stacker with a split platform no problem. 
Height not an issue? No way I could fit my car and a sxs with my platform lift. Maybe I had a funco and dumped the bags 

Height not an issue? No way I could fit my car and a sxs with my platform lift. Maybe I had a funco and dumped the bags 
I did it with my 24ft also.  JP car at 69" tall.  strapped the can am down with shocks fully compressed.  With the funco I have 5 in of clearance from the top of the car to the lift in locked position.  Yes, stinger lift.   I do have a 11'4" to the top of my stacker inside. My 24ft stacker only had 10' 11" but I would hang the ass of the Can am off the lift. 

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I will have my 28ft for sale after My Idaho trip this summer

Why not make the rails to slide in or out to accommodate both, with set pins to keep in place at each location?

Out for tire lift...slide them in for Belly lift???

Seems easy enough.


Why not make the rails to slide in or out to accommodate both, with set pins to keep in place at each location?

Out for tire lift...slide them in for Belly lift???

Seems easy enough.

Cables in hydraulic ram are located under one of the ramps so you can't move those. Could have a belly lift with two Flaps that come out or other platforms

Height not an issue? No way I could fit my car and a sxs with my platform lift. Maybe I had a funco and dumped the bags 
I do believe height is going to be the issue. I think a belly lift is going to be necessary. Do you know how much height you have left after the sxs is lifted by the belly?

I do believe height is going to be the issue. I think a belly lift is going to be necessary. Do you know how much height you have left after the sxs is lifted by the belly?
I've never tried it... but I know with my BFD (fairly large car) down below, I was barely able to fit my daughters RZR 170 on the top platform with maybe 5 inches to spare.  I know for sure if I went full size SxS, I would need a belly lift.  This is probably not an issue if you have a small / short height rail... or funco w/ bags. 

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I remember a tread on this before (maybe old site) not sure.....There were people doing it and having to re do the cables and a bit of fab work but they were doing it for sure and it saved a ton of $$$$

IIRC,,,.... @DuneRDR did it to one.

Post pics of the conversion

Thanks. Looks like its dooable. I called Stinger and Titan and both of them said you can get new cables and move the rails to the middle.
