Stacker lift leaking?


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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I have a 2022 Stacker, the lift pump or tank is leaking was not able to determine when loading up last trip. My pump/tank is in my floor compartment. Has any had 1 leak? Any idea where I should look? It has already gone back to MFG to have tank replaced last time, but tired or dragging it back and forth if I can just fix it in camp 1 morning.Fittings didnt look wet just the floor under the pump and tank. I know lots of spare fluid and absorbent pads..Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Maybe it's only leaking when under a big load. Can you watch the pump and tank while it's lifting a car? 

Maybe it's only leaking when under a big load. Can you watch the pump and tank while it's lifting a car? 
I will on thursday. Do you have any suggestions to help a brother out.

Brah, you've owned how many low riders with hydraulics? Same thing only different.

Clean the area thoroughly and check it after each use. 

Those hydraulic pump and reservoir units are fairly inexpensive. They are the same ones used on lifts for garage and service shop units. If you know it’s leaking at the HPU, get the part number info off of it and bring a new one and some fluid with you next time you go. Should be a simple swap out. Probably cheaper than your fuel to drag it back to the builder anyway. 

If it’s a plastic tank that connects to the pump horizontally. There is a o ring that seals the tank around the pump. I have had to install a large hose clamp around the tank portion that is round where it slides over the pump. This was on a 12volt hydraulic pump for a dump trailer. 

Brah, you've owned how many low riders with hydraulics? Same thing only different.

Clean the area thoroughly and check it after each use. 
I know I know. But I didn't see it till I loaded it and we'll you know, get it to lock and storage. I think it's a pump seal but..

Should be an easy swap out. 


what about the tank reservoir cap possible leaking not sealing right? I had one on my dump trailer leak slightly from the caps on the reservoir that was slightly over filled and the cap was not sealing right

is the metal tank a better option, might want to put a drain in the floor to get some fluid out, 

The trailer is in dunes edge and I Will play with it on Thursday. I checked the caps but didn't see anything I am thinking it is the seal in the motor.
