So what is the one thing......

I’m a dead ringer for Meatloaf and lived near him. 
He had no shortage of women judging by those that hit on me thinking I was him. 
 He didn’t have to do anything for love 

My wife loves meatloaf, if I change the recipe even a little she knows!
There is no recipe for good meatloaf. 

If you have to bury something in ketchup (one of the most vile things on the planet) for it to be "good", yeah, it tastes like sh!t.

When Eddie said he didn't like his teddy
You knew he was a no good kid
But when he threatened your life with switchblade knife....

Nope hate it !!!... well sumtimes!.

Corkys Saturday night and lunch at Sammie’s Sunday..... 

Well, clearly he says....he won't do that!

It's that, that he won't do. Those that know...know!

"It is true for all that that that that that that that refers to is not the same that that that that refers to."

