So this happened......

Grease Monkey

Staff member
Apr 29, 2021
Reaction score
I've been helping with the ceremony for a couple of years and it's honestly the best event of the year and it warms my heart to see it grow every year and see the Glamis Veterans organization grow.   Brian and Christy have been taking this past the Veterans day ceremony with helping veterans come out to the dunes and experience Glamis for the first time, and with many more similar projects in the future. 

So a couple of years ago, Brian plans the first Veterans weekend.  5 trailers donated by Glamis rentals, sponsorship funds, Daddy's foods feeding meals and some volunteers.  I raise my hand and jump in to help.  We get on site and have camo tents, trailers, generator, fire wood etc to set up and to welcome in 5 families that have no idea what Glamis is nor what we have in store for them.  All of us struggled to make this the best for the vets. The weekend was for the most part completely blow out. We were on vendor flats. Easy for the guests to arrive, easy for the vendors supporting the mission, easy for all of us.  What wasn't easy was the W. It blew like crazy. Camo shade was a 24hr job in it's self to maintain and keep erected. 

Camp fires, well they just blew sideways and goggles were a must for most of the days.   With all this, it was their first time and they all enjoyed it.  Brian had sxs's lined up for the 5 families, If i remember correctly, the costs were already discounted for us but when we went to sign and drive for the 5 families, we were surprised with the additional costs, insurance, deposits etc all added up to way more than what was expected.   So the rental deal was about to be dissolved and Brian was going to figure out how we were going to take these Vets and their families out into the dunes.  

My car was broken and open seats were limited and I didn't see any way we could make this happen.  The W was keeping everyone lock down but I knew behind a steering wheel and goggles we could make this happen.  So I walked back over the Glamis rentals and worked out a deal for 5 sxs's and ran it thru my company.  I could use the write off and it made it allllllll so worth it when everyone suited up and we left camp......

All the families got a sxs, they all suited up and Brian lead us thru some easy stuff and some challenging stuff to give them the full deal.

Was a wonderful experience for them and for me.  Ended up being a great weekend we we thanked them for their service and their families sacrifice.

Felt good to help.   

People that know me, know this about me and they also know how much I hate being thanked or recognized.

So this is where all this comes together.  @HozayKwarvo and Christy ( present to me a thank you for this deed written above.  This past Saturday after the ceremony and back at camp, among our sand family and friends, Brian hands me this and I lost it inside.  He knew best to keep this small and not a public event and I'm grateful for this. But having this in front of me at work and telling my staff the story it just makes sense to share this with all y'all.  

This flag was flown that year in Glamis on the veterans flag pole.  November 2021-November 2022. 

I am honored and blessed to have this.  Thank you Brian and family, Thank you for bringing me in as I would not be doing this without your involvement over all these years.  Thank you to all the volunteers, Thank you to all the sponsors. None of this can be done without all of you. 

It's truly a privilege to be a small part of this amazing and great community.  Ole Glory will be out for all to see and to hear the story behind her. 


glamis veterans flag.jpg

glamis vertrans flag box.jpg

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@Grease Monkey You absolutely deserve it buddy! That was the first major undertaking and true effort to do more than just the ceremony and the only reason it didn't go as sideways as the wind that weekend was because of you. I look at the last 20 years of this event, the new non-profit org, and where we are trying to go in the future and can point to that exact moment in time where things changed for Glamis Veterans. It hasn't been easy and I'll keep pushing the envelope forward when things get too comfortable, but you were absolutely instrumental in the transformation into something more, and that was the flag flying over Glamis when it happened  :smilie_flagge13:

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I've been helping with the ceremony for a couple of years and it's honestly the best event of the year and it warms my heart to see it grow every year and see the Glamis Veterans organization grow.   Brian and Christy have been taking this past the Veterans day ceremony with helping veterans come out to the dunes and experience Glamis for the first time, and with many more similar projects in the future. 

So a couple of years ago, Brian plans the first Veterans weekend.  5 trailers donated by Glamis rentals, sponsorship funds, Daddy's foods feeding meals and some volunteers.  I raise my hand and jump in to help.  We get on site and have camo tents, trailers, generator, fire wood etc to set up and to welcome in 5 families that have no idea what Glamis is nor what we have in store for them.  All of us struggled to make this the best for the vets. The weekend was for the most part completely blow out. We were on vendor flats. Easy for the guests to arrive, easy for the vendors supporting the mission, easy for all of us.  What wasn't easy was the W. It blew like crazy. Camo shade was a 24hr job in it's self to maintain and keep erected. 

Camp fires, well they just blew sideways and goggles were a must for most of the days.   With all this, it was their first time and they all enjoyed it.  Brian had sxs's lined up for the 5 families, If i remember correctly, the costs were already discounted for us but when we went to sign and drive for the 5 families, we were surprised with the additional costs, insurance, deposits etc all added up to way more than what was expected.   So the rental deal was about to be dissolved and Brian was going to figure out how we were going to take these Vets and their families out into the dunes.  

My car was broken and open seats were limited and I didn't see any way we could make this happen.  The W was keeping everyone lock down but I knew behind a steering wheel and goggles we could make this happen.  So I walked back over the Glamis rentals and worked out a deal for 5 sxs's and ran it thru my company.  I could use the write off and it made it allllllll so worth it when everyone suited up and we left camp......

All the families got a sxs, they all suited up and Brian lead us thru some easy stuff and some challenging stuff to give them the full deal.

Was a wonderful experience for them and for me.  Ended up being a great weekend we we thanked them for their service and their families sacrifice.

Felt good to help.   

People that know me, know this about me and they also know how much I hate being thanked or recognized.

So this is where all this comes together.  @HozayKwarvo and Christy ( present to me a thank you for this deed written above.  This past Saturday after the ceremony and back at camp, among our sand family and friends, Brian hands me this and I lost it inside.  He knew best to keep this small and not a public event and I'm grateful for this. But having this in front of me at work and telling my staff the story it just makes sense to share this with all y'all.  

This flag was flown that year in Glamis on the veterans flag pole.  November 2021-November 2022. 

I am honored and blessed to have this.  Thank you Brian and family, Thank you for bringing me in as I would not be doing this without your involvement over all these years.  Thank you to all the volunteers, Thank you to all the sponsors. None of this can be done without all of you. 

It's truly a privilege to be a small part of this amazing and great community.  Ole Glory will be out for all to see and to hear the story behind her. 


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View attachment 86674
That is awesome and well deserved. Thank you .....

I know Erik doesn't like public praise so I'll keep it to a minimum.  Erik is probably the most stand up guy I have ever met.  His generosity has no bounds.

Congrats Erik and as always, it's an honor and pleasure to have you as a friend.
