Skid plates, holes or not????


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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The fire system thread got me to thinking and that got me to looking which got me to planning...  (name that movie. LOL)

My skid plates do not have any holes in them and I was thinking  couple of seasons ago I should do that because the sand gets trapped in them, especially where the bars meet the plates.  And I guess I never gave much thought to it, but I suppose there is a "skid plate" & a "floor".  I was talking generically about the entire bottom of the buggy.  the flat aluminum surface where fuel/oil/flammable liquid could be contained inside the car. 

If sand gets trapped,  then spilled fuel would also get trapped, especially if it's got a bunch of sand there to soak it up...   specifically Im thinking about a scenario where the tank gets a crack in it & starts leaking or in the case of an accident, or possibly even if a fitting comes lose or gets a crack in it & starts collecting in the skid plate or floor board. 

So, from a safety aspect does it make sense to have holes in them? (or am I making something out of nothing?)

From a "sand drainage" perspective does it make sense? 

Is there a down side to a dozen or so holes in the floor? 

The blue box above the trans is my fuel tank.  





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i do the same I used on Andy's car 1/4 aluminum spacers from Aluminum spacers .com  

also my fuel overflow hangs down almost 6'' below my car, 

My overflow for the fuel runs directly 90 away from top of the tank then 90 up to the roof, all the way over to the other side of the roof then down and along to the other side, almost 20-foot of #8 tubing with a shut-off valve on the vent, Manual shut off valve, 

I have holes in my floorboard.

No holes in my skid plate.

My fuel overflow line runs 6" below the bottom of my car.

I put a couple holes in mine.  makes it easier to clean up any oil spills and sand.  I like the washer idea but I would still put in a couple . 

On my SU Sand Pro 2 mid engine I drilled 2 rows of 1” holes from side to side in the solid aluminum floor. I have a firewall between the gas tank and cockpit but with a solid floor the fuel could run down the floor into the cockpit. 
I also have spacers between the floor and frame as others have suggested. 
