Shooting with prescription glasses (mostly through a scope)


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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How many of you guys shoot with prescription glasses?  I have had to wear reading glasses for a few years now and have found that the $2 ones I buy @ costco dont get it any more.

have any of you bought anything special for shooting through a scope?

Do you wear something else for hand guns?



I’ve shot with scope and handgun with prescription lenses and no problems. You can get ANSI certified lenses from Oakley if you want the added protection. If your question is more geared toward being able to accurately send rounds down range, it works just fine. I am near sighted so distance  is what I wear glasses for. I would think if you are using readers only and your distance vision is good, you don’t need glasses anyways. 

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Following as I have reached this age and it's f*cking bullsh*t.

I don't like bifocals, don't like progressives.  I still have 20/20 but I can't see sh*t up close anymore.  What can be done?

Im still using the Costco 3 pack in 1.5. I have 2.5 for close up work on the bench and trout fishing, those damn hooks are small!!!

Shoot handgun and rifle with my readers.

I should spend some $ on a real set and see if there is a difference

I used to wear Progressives.  in January I got Lasik surgery, fixed the distance big time.  As for upclose, used to have prescriptions, now over the counter readers.  Haven't shot anything but the glock, so no need for glasses (scope)..............but my range finder for golfing is causing me fits.  Readers or not.............haha

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I will be getting monovision lasik surgery in 2 weeks. I had lasik in 2009 and it’s been amazing until the last couple years it’s been slowly getting more blurry. They are going to touch up my left eye and that will be my distance eye which is perfect since that is my dominant eye. And my right eye will be for up close. They said if they fix both eyes I will probably need to start wearing readers which I have yet to need them. They proved the theory with contacts. I put contacts in and I could see distance great but couldn’t read. So they tried putting a contact in my left eye only and it was great. My brain figured out the correction and used my left eye for distance and right eye for reading . Crazy what they can do these days. 

I will be getting monovision lasik surgery in 2 weeks. I had lasik in 2009 and it’s been amazing until the last couple years it’s been slowly getting more blurry. They are going to touch up my left eye and that will be my distance eye which is perfect since that is my dominant eye. And my right eye will be for up close. They said if they fix both eyes I will probably need to start wearing readers which I have yet to need them. They proved the theory with contacts. I put contacts in and I could see distance great but couldn’t read. So they tried putting a contact in my left eye only and it was great. My brain figured out the correction and used my left eye for distance and right eye for reading . Crazy what they can do these days. 
I got lasik probably about the same time & its been getting worse. Ive been thinking about going back, but have not pulled the trigger.  Maybe now is the time to do it.

No isssues here with scope and glasses. I need glasses for distance and the downside now at 50 is with my glasses or contacts I can’t see close anymore.without them I see great up close just not far. 

it’s really screwing up shooting my iron sight guns though. 

I know its been a while but I have just not found anything "great" so I bought something I'm hoping will be "  

@Rockwood, turned me onto his optometrist and he spent a good bit of time helping me get prescriptions for what I'm after.  The lense grinders that they use have the ability to grind "upside-down" bi-focals. So I picked the frame I thought would work the best and they made lenses for them.  

Hopefully you can see in the picture that the bifocal is on top.  

I dug out my bolt gun and layed behind it and adjusted the focus as best I could.  I think this might do ok, as Ling as I can keep them from fogging up.  The only thing I don't like about these is the nose piece is not adjustable. 



One last thing, I went to the pistol Range last night and used my old beat-up bifocals to shoot with. (Picture attached). This worked out much better than I had anticipated.   I guess I really do need to be wearing my glasses more often.  God do I love that gun.  It just fits and is comfortable.... 

I'm guessing I've got 15,000 or 20,000 rounds down it.  I wonder how much better it would shoot with a new barrel... 


I have a hell of a time shooting with my eyesight the way it is. I went to a optometrist a few months back and got some glasses that help. My problem is my right eye is naturally dominant, but my vision sucks with it compared to my left eye. When shooting iron sites, I have to use my non dominant left eye which I've been able to adjust to but still isn't natural. When using my red or green dots, (with both eyes open) the near site dot is blurry while the target is relatively clear. I wish it was cool to take one of my guns to the Dr., and try different prescriptions until I found one that works best.


One last thing, I went to the pistol Range last night and used my old beat-up bifocals to shoot with. (Picture attached). This worked out much better than I had anticipated.   I guess I really do need to be wearing my glasses more often.  God do I love that gun.  It just fits and is comfortable.... 

I'm guessing I've got 15,000 or 20,000 rounds down it.  I wonder how much better it would shoot with a new barrel... 

View attachment 119347
 What gun?

Essentially this, but its all stainless with basic rubber grips.  No black, save for the grips. 


I have a hell of a time shooting with my eyesight the way it is. I went to a optometrist a few months back and got some glasses that help. My problem is my right eye is naturally dominant, but my vision sucks with it compared to my left eye. When shooting iron sites, I have to use my non dominant left eye which I've been able to adjust to but still isn't natural. When using my red or green dots, (with both eyes open) the near site dot is blurry while the target is relatively clear. I wish it was cool to take one of my guns to the Dr., and try different prescriptions until I found one that works best.

View attachment 119357
I did exactly that.  I warned them that I was bringing it in, left it in the car until they gave me the go-ahead, and took it straight back to the exam room. Laid on the floor and tried on every  set of frames that I thought had a chance. She measured me all up, while laying on the gun.  For me, it was a function of the frame, not the prescription... 

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Ive thought about getting me one of them fancy metric guns, but the old .45 is just so natural... 

What type of vision do you have?  I'm still 20/20 but definitely need readers.  With optics, I'm fine.  With iron sights or red dot, I either wear glasses and see the sights or I don't wear glasses and see the target.  Either still get me close but not where I once was.

I guess this is why I like rifle shooting and distance more now.

First ....

Figure out which eye is your dominant eye.


Put a piece of masking tape, over your other eye (on the lens)

Shoot with both eyes open.

It works. 👍🏼