Shooting Trash


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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Spent Saturday cleaning up Otay Mountain area. Lots of open BLM land where shooting is allowed, which means people like to bring trash out there and shoot at it, then just leave it. 


Two piles like this, plus my buddy’s Dodge, and some BLM trucks full to the brim. Spent brass, shotgun shells, pizza boxes, every manner of glass, hoods, beer cans, and general trash. 

A lot of us shoot, if you see a site that’s trashed, fill a bag on the way out. chit like this will close us all down. 

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Some folks just don't get it, but I'm afraid most just don't care or are too lazy. 

Thank you so much, That is in my backyard, Let me know and I will participate in the next cleanup .


Same thing in queen valley.. just moved here, and can see that all the shooting slobs will likely get it closed at some point because they are a bunch of lazy pigs and leave their debris everywhere.. 

North Vegas is very bad too, we've been out there a couple times with my brother and I can't believe how effed up it is :sad:

Is the brass good $ for recycle? Filling up 5gl buckets would be easy in some areas.

Is the brass good $ for recycle? Filling up 5gl buckets would be easy in some areas.
$2-ish per pound.  Not sure how much it weighs per bucket, but we probably picked up a bucket or so without really trying.  Didn't pick up a huge amount of brass since it browns quickly and blends in a fack of a lot better than shotgun shells, "bleeding" zombie targets, TVs, beer bottles and ceramic plates.  Yes.  Someone went out there and shot up the china set they inherited from Grandma.  :coocoo:  

North Vegas is very bad too, we've been out there a couple times with my brother and I can't believe how effed up it is :sad:
Desert areas are especially bad since nothing grows over it and covers it.  Calico was an absolute (and literal) sh!t show.  Shooting trash EVERYWHERE, human feces and TP in all easy to get to mineshafts.  Idiots man.

If you have another cleanup in the future, please let us know a couple weeks in advance, if possible. I'd like to help, I'm sure others would as well.


Desert areas are especially bad since nothing grows over it and covers it.  Calico was an absolute (and literal) sh!t show.  Shooting trash EVERYWHERE, human feces and TP in all easy to get to mineshafts.  Idiots man.

Thanks for being a steward of the sport vs one of those assklowns that leave the trash there...

Well done @Rockwood

They have no problem taking it there they should take it with them too but unfortunately common sense lacks.

Few years ago i switched to steel targets so i dont have to take paper and wood to place them on.I do shoot cans here and there for pistol practice and do pick up the cans when i do shoot them not hard to toss back into a trashcan.
