SD PRS Match @ Pala, 7Apr24


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
Reaction score
as some of you might know @punkur67, has been helping me get into precision rifle shooting.  He helped me build a gun (see gun forum for "6.5 CM build" for details.  7Apr24, I got to shoot in my first match.  "it was the best of times, it was the worst of times".  LMAO.  as with anything new there is a learning curve & Im still @ the bottom of that curve.  My goal was not to suck too bad & to do it safely. My plan is to focus on the process of it & not to focus on the scores.  Improvement is the name of the game here.  Jeff has been super helpful & was helpful during the match, while trying to shoot his own match @ the same time.  the biggest issue is my eyes.  getting the straightened out has been a much bigger task than I had anticipated.  

The match went kind of how I expected it to go.  I sucked a little more than I expected to, but not as much as some others.  They normally send out the Corse of Fire the night before, which I was looking forward to, so I could have it in my hands when we got to the different stages & I could kind of prep ahead of time.  This time they didn’t give anyone the CoF until you got to the stage.  So………. If you shot last (like they make the newbies do), and you are packing up your 50 Lbs. of chit to haul to the next stage, you miss half of the CoF because he didn’t wait for everyone to get to the next stage.  Plus, he spoke softly and with guns going off & ear plugs in………..  kind of a chit show.  I will be better prepared next time. 

Gun, Bi-pod & optics, no mag, = 22.0 Lbs.

Backpack, = 30 Lbs.

Tripod = 7 Lbs.

It was a lot of fun, despite the frustration & not being fully prepared.  I'm sore as hell from hauling all of that chit all over the place.  There were 3 stages that were out in the weeds.  (see below) I didn’t have any time to get many pictures, but I got a few.  Also Jeff took a few for me.

Here is where I ended up.  Jeff Cosgrove @ #19 is the guy who is helping me. 

The CoF was a total of 71 rounds on 6 stages, I hit 11 targets of 35 Rounds fired (31% hit rate).  Had I hit 30 of the 35 rounds I shot, I would have been 9th. 

Each stage had 3 to 5 different targets with 2 to 3 rounds for each.  I knew I was not getting to the 4th or 5th targets @ each stage so I was focusing on making good shots on the first 2 or 3 & let the others go (quality over quantity).

Score 2, 7Apr24.jpg

The green line is the 1st stage.  There were 2 rocks, to shoot from at 3 or 4 different targets. 

The red line is stage 5 (I have pictures below)

The blue line is stage 6. 

Stage locations, 7Apr24.jpg

A better higher elevation look @ the target distances.  They are all about 300 to 500 yards out.

Stage locations, 2, 7Apr24.jpg

Waiting for the CoF for stage 5


Our squad mom up on top of the berm, ranging & locating the targets, while we waited @ the bottom.  We shot from the dirt to the left of him where that roundish big rock is.  Every time I pulled the trigger the bi-pod sank into the dirt.  Poor choice of stability on my part. 


Finally getting some rounds down range. 


Me trying to figure out WTF is going on with the rounds not feeding.  Poor everything going on right here.


And the best part of the day………….. when I got home, I dropped my range finding binoculars on the concrete floor & smashed the hell out of the eye pieces. 


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